View Full Version : Worried

03-31-2013, 01:56 PM
At work I am in the basement and the cafe is on the 3rd floor so I try to always walk the stairs to help get in some exercise, I had my most recent panic attack just over a week ago.
I have also been trying to breath through my nose only, so I take slow breaths rather than inhaling more than needed through my mouth.. the problem is as I get to the 3rd floor I start feeling my heart pound really hard and I start feeling light headed... immediately I thought I was going to have a panic attack so I went to the nearest washroom and waited it out. I am now back at my desk and taken my pulse which was only 96 (still feeling intense though) It freaks me out thinking that I am just waiting for another panic attack.. or was my breathing off for some reason to cause this?? I wish it would just stop and that I could do things without feeling like I need to monitor my heart and my breathing....