View Full Version : Anxiety and IBS

03-31-2013, 03:37 AM
Last weekend my anxiety became horrific! Worse than it's ever been, since then I've been having such issues with my tummy. It started with a gassy empty feeling, leading to diarrhea, I'm now getting indigestion and feeling quite sicky alot of the time. I seem to be quite gassy too. Does this sound like IBS. I did the wrong thing in looking up my symptoms but it all seems to point that it could be stress induced IBS! Does anyone else suffer like this?

03-31-2013, 03:48 AM
Ohhhh yess ive been on this forum for a long while and over the yime ive seen this alot as I asked so many questions about this I suffer bafly with ibs tummy discomforts all over the abfomen gass sicky feeling alot (nausea) anxiety and ibs tend to go hand in hand the stomach has a lot of nerve ending so if your anxious badky you will effect your stomach first and ibs also makes you tired akot of the time aswell you may find this t also changes your stool dramatically you may also notice this try a diffrent diet you may find your digesting to fast or maybe getting constipated differs for diffrent people hope it helps