View Full Version : ALS and anxiety! Wont go!

03-31-2013, 02:53 AM
I have been scared of ALS for a year, and had body wide twitching! My left are feels weak and is smaller than my right and the same with my left calf! It feels dead!

Been to the neurologist he said he thought it was hyperexcitable nerves. But that doesn't bring the difference in muscle size and this weak feeling on my left side.

I play football but it has been impacted by this sensations and feels so weak when I run. I also am injured in a few places as I feel I'm putting all the strain on my right leg.

I'm not sure what to do as the doctors won't listen!

04-01-2013, 07:41 PM

I wanted to write to you as I've had the same fears myself around MS.

I found that because i knew the symptoms of MS i began obsessing over these symptoms and I began to notice these symtoms in myself, essentially my fears became a self fulfilling prophecy. Could this maybe be the same with you? You know the ALS causes muscle weakness, you think about it, begin to feel it in yourself and start to obsess over it so the feeling becomes worse and worse and more and more noticeable.

I think the main thing is that you have been to a neurologist about this and he has given you his thoughts, let's put this in perspective you have taken your symptoms to someone who has studied for years and is trained to spot signs of various neurological diseases - he out of everyone is the person most qualified to discuss your symptoms with you and confirm what you are experiencing. From what you say above he has not spotted that you are suffering with ALS - Is this not an amazing relief? Or can you not get over it because you are still obsessing over your symptoms? If you do not trust your doctor would you consider speaking with another doctor to get a second opinion - be honest with yourself if a second opinion came back negative regarding ALS would you be happy? Would you believe it? Or have you doomed yourself in your mind to be suffering with ALS? Think long and hard about what is going to stop you worrying about this.

I am fighting my own demons with my thoughts around MS and I can understand how you feel, I haven't been diagnosed with anything other than anxiety - who knows maybe one day I will be diagnosed with MS but in my last drs appointment the dr told me to take everything i had said to him, forget about it put it behind me and move on and since I have done that I have noticed a definite drop in all the sensations and symptoms I was experiencing. I think there comes a point where you have to take a leap of faith to move on with your life. Have you considered some form of counselling or therapy to help you with the stress and anxiety you are experiencing due to your worry? This might be worth looking into if it will give you peace of mind.