View Full Version : Noise

03-30-2013, 12:11 PM
Does anyone who suffers frm panic disorder find that wen they are havin an attack that noise / light bothers you ?
I just wan block noise out and everything around me ... Shut my eyes and cover my ears

03-30-2013, 12:19 PM
Yeh when im feeling anxious too much noise really annoys me I need to escape x

03-30-2013, 02:58 PM
Yes, I can't do loads of things I used to because I can't stand noise. It just makes me feel like screaming and running.

03-30-2013, 03:19 PM
Thanx ..... I find a lot ov panic symptoms are not what u wud class a normal / typical anxiety ...... Sumtimes just feel in a world ov my own wen havin an attack and I get fidgety or click my fingers constantly or hum sumink "" all very weird "" think its my way ov tryin to cope with the way I'm feelin and trying to put my mind on doin sumink else ( like the above ) ..... But it's hard tryin to deal with an attack and tryin to stop doin these coping things as doin these in public wud make pple look.

My psychologist says to just do what I wud wan do as no one wud think anything , she asked what wud I think if I sin sumone sitting in the corner , hands over ears etc And maybe sum ov the above ..... I sed I wouldn't actually think bad ov them , I wud think that mayb they are autistic or sumink

Made me think that ( even tho I wouldn't do that in public ) that it wud b ok and what's the big deal ... :-)