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07-09-2007, 11:25 PM
Hello everyone!!!

I'm so happy I've found this site!

Can someone please tell me if I've got anxiety or not and what can I do to make it better??

I lead a relatively usual life, I seem to deal with any problems I have, but there's one that I can't seem to cope with.... it's the thought of me and my boyfriend splitting up, even though there is nothing to indicate that this will (ever) happen. When we have a slight argument or problem I feel myself getting hot, then I feel a kind of 'prickly' sensation all over my body which without doubt leads to a nasty bout of vomiting, and then it takes me a couple of days to recover fully. Sometimes when something happens between us I would rather walk away than try to express what I feel because I know it's inevitable that I'll vomit and I won't be able to eat for a day or two but the problem will still be on my mind, so I can't win.

I don't understand why I react like this, is it because it something that I find really stressful?

I went to my doctor last time and he gave me some diazepam, just to use for a couple of weeks. I found it made me extremely tired and I don't want to be reliant on drugs for something that seems so silly.

How do I make it go away??

Please help!!

J :mrgreen:

07-15-2007, 12:06 AM
Hi Julemal,

Do you experience this sensation in any other situations, besides confrontations with your bf? The symptoms definitely sound like the results of extreme anxiety, but if these are only triggered by relationship problems, I would definitely go see a relationship councilor. Seems you need to learn ways to cope with expressing yourself. Worrying that you and your boyfriend may split up is no way to live. You do realize there are not guarantees in life?...the sooner you come to terms with this the better :)

Take care

07-18-2007, 12:19 AM
hello, i'm new and i want to share my sorrows with you.