View Full Version : Alcohol & Anxiety

03-29-2013, 01:28 PM
I had a big drink last night, only proper time I've got drunk since I started getting anxious

I obviously knew it would relax me, but got me thinking

Why is it you stop feeling anxiety after drinks?

Why do symptoms disappear?

Does the muscles loosen? Therefore not being tense?

I notice my legs are always very tense when I'm anxious

I found myself talking to myself when I got home, basically telling anxiety to fuck itself & feeling great

Why can't we put that practice into real life?

(By the way this thread is not intending that alcohol is the answer to anxiety or any problem for that matter, hangovers are worse anyway & make you depressed)

03-29-2013, 01:55 PM
It's just like a buzz from Xanax, Jay.
It makes you stop caring so much. Slows your brain down.

It's a nice feeling to have every now and then.
The morning after I drink, sometimes my anxiety is a little flared up.

03-29-2013, 01:59 PM
Jay, be careful of alcohol and anxiety. It can make you feel strange. It can even make you do strange stuff on a chat room.

As janey said, it works on a similar place on the brain that xanax and benzo's do. Alcohol promotes GABA and dopamine release temporarily. Makes you feel good, but doesn't last.

03-29-2013, 04:53 PM
Lol funnily enough I almost posted a drunken post last night

Glad I didn't now