View Full Version : Im still struggling

03-29-2013, 12:45 PM
Well, I am still struggling, but it's not as bad now. Although I still have this enormous fear that I have cancer. I went for my yearly check up a couple days ago. I asked my dr about cancer but she felt confident I do not have it. I told her about my tight throat and sore achy muscles. She said its probably anxiety or a virus. So that brings me to now. Since my throat/neck has been so tight lately, I've been massaging it. While doing this, I found a lump on the left side. It's not stationary, it moves around. It's round and maybe the size of a small marble. The right side of my throat/neck doesn't have this. So of course I immediately think cancer. Now I'm worried, but at the same time, I'm not overly anxious. My thoughts have been, well, if it's cancer then I just need to have it taken care of. I have a little anxiety about it still. Just not like it's been in the past. Just no panic. But I keep thinking about it. Anyway, I've already made ANOTHER appointment with my gp for next wed. I'm sure the dr office thinks I'm crazy. I was just there! I hope all ends well. Btw, the doc checked my neck in wed and said there were no swollen nodes. But, what is this then? And I REFUSE to google. I think that's why my anxiety hasn't been as high about it.

03-29-2013, 03:43 PM
Could be several things mostly not at all serious. A little absess, fatty growth, swollen lymph gland, , etc. Alankay

03-30-2013, 07:15 PM
I have one identical to this had several docs look at it. They say either lymph node or most likely fatty tissue. But like u I always assume the worst :I
so frustrating