View Full Version : I am constantly feeling trapped in my own mind...i need tips

03-28-2013, 11:06 PM
it fucking sucks. I cant stand it. Its like I am in a constant negative thought process. Like there is something on my mind thats just preventing me from thinking positive and being happy and I cant pin point it. Its like a fucking Gate blocking me from thinking positive. Anyone have any tips? I am about to switch my diet to a all Raw Veggie diet 100% organic. I hear it offers ALOT of mental clarity and a uplift of mood. People have cured anxiety and other related disorders on it. Is this mental thing anxiety related? Its driving me crazy. I dont want to be put on meds. I 100% refuse to do that because I know I can cure this naturally. I do have faith.

03-28-2013, 11:57 PM
You tired meditation??

Veggie diet sounds good but make sure you get lots of protein also

I have done meditation and I do feel some relief. I just want to feel that happiness...its like im constantly checking my thoughts I guess...I just want to pin point what is holding me back! Any other things i can do?

03-29-2013, 01:58 AM
Check out a book called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. It's all about curing anxiety, depression, ect going the all natural root. It has been the single most thing that has helped me so far. Read the reviews on Amazon and see what people are saying. And no I am not connected with them in anyway just trying to help some fellow sufferers. The main things that have helped me are changing my diet (low sugar/low glycemic, lots of protein and veggies, 5 meals a day, lay off the gluten as much as possible), vitamins and supplements! (found out I was low in vit D, b12, and iron) ive been taking a multi, fish oil, vit c, magnesium, vit d, and some other helpful supplements such as Gaba, Holy Basil, Theanine, Inositol, aerobic exercise (I just walk/run on the treadmill everyday), and seeing a good doctor (ive had tons of tests done to give me peace of mind that im healthy and its just anxiety (besides the vitamin deficiencies). Im still not cured but im 80% better than I was before I bought that book and started all this. As long as you have an active approach towards conquering this thing and finding answers you will be fine!