View Full Version : Freaking out

03-28-2013, 11:07 AM
Ok so I am freaking out. I am about to see my gi doctor for a follow up on acid reflux. Ok well I'm technically not scared to go to the doctor it's the fact that what I'm feeling inside.
I desperately need to gain weight I'm 22 100 lb 5'6. So obviously you see I need to gain weight. Anyways about 4 months ago I got the stomach bug and threw up. Ever since that I experienced "acid reflux". Reason for quotation marks because I think that's what it is. Idk so I literally stopped eating. Like ill force myself to eat break fast cuz that's the most important meal for the day but for lunch and dinner I just don't eat. I'm a huge health freak so I track what I eat and how much. For my weight I need to consume 1500 calories a day. Not really getting there probably be like 1200.
As most of you might say its anxiety, yes it could be but I'm Zoloft 25 mg for 4 months because I told my doctor I'm scared of what I'm feeling inside which stopped me from eating. Now that I'm on it ill have great days where eating but like today right feeling super weak.
Symptoms: jaw clenching, shaky hands, weak, tired and tummy rumbling.
I just had some Starbucks lemonade and a marble pound cake (yum!) so I'm feeling a bit better. So technically it can't be anxiety right? I feel freaking calm all the time it's great! But here is another part,
I found out my bf was cheating on me and I pretty much devesated. So I stopped eating again but slowly and surely I'm getting back to my habits. It's weird like I'm such a busy person, I go college, I tutor, I work as a pharmacy tech yet ill sit in bed waiting for hs text or call or just something. BUT I won't cry because I guess Zoloft is hindering my emotions?!
I don't know. So I'm siting in my car, at campus waiting for my class to start and I'm feeling a bit better.
I would would love loves anyone who can give me a list of protein shakes, breakfast bars, lunch ideas or any kind of food which will get me meat on my bones. Also if any one of y'all can help me see that my ex is an ex for a reason I shouldn't waste my energy on him.
Alright thanks people! Hope y'all are doing great :)