View Full Version : such a crappy feeling

Sick of it
03-28-2013, 07:33 AM
Just here to introduce myself.
i have been suffering from anxiety and depression for approximately three years, with the past two having some really inhibiting physical effects.
for so long i have thought i can just beat it on my own, no medication no therapy, just persevere. But i realize now that it is not just something one can get over, especially with no support.
i have seen how bad it affects not only my life but my children's as well, and it is because of them that i made the decision to finally get some help.
i was prescribed cipralex and took my first dose today, anybody have any feedback on this medication.

03-28-2013, 08:36 AM
I have no feedback on your medication but just wanted to assure yo that getting help is the best thing you have done. Not only medicine see if you can get some health from your bus mental health team if your depression has gone on so long and affected your lives so badly. You may talking therapy of some kind of real use too. Well done for seeking help.

03-28-2013, 08:42 AM
Im trying to do that, no meds..just on my own. But its hard, very hard. Wish u all the best, let me knows how it goes.

Sick of it
03-28-2013, 01:36 PM
Thank you Lin.
I will be on this med for two weeks and then go back to see the doctor who agreed that cognitive therapy (counselling) with a combination of medication will help me a whole deal.
albgirl..it is hard. Almost too hard, as if dealing alone makes you feel more alone?
for example,y friendships...most of them don't understand, they tell you think positive yet they offer no support often alienating you further because the invites just stop coming.
i am putting all my belief that today is the beginning of a whole new life, not who i was before i developed anxiety, not who i am now, but a whole new person who has gone through it and made it out the other side stronger and much more aware.
i am not a weaker person for taking meds to help (i thought ibwould be if i did) but i am an empowered person who is ready and willing to do what it takes to learn to deal with it.
I buried my 8 day old daughter in 2009 and i know that is where it all started, life events since then have and haven't helped. Immediately after i lost Adora Belle i became pregnant with my only son, who has been my stonghold through this all. My parents separated two years ago, and being the oldest the brunt of family responsibility fell on me...ive just been too busy taking care of others to realize how important it is to also take care of myself.
just thought i would give a little more history into my story.