View Full Version : Fear of Death

03-27-2013, 10:31 PM
I suffer from over thinking and obsessive thoughts, and sometimes the idea of dying creeps up on me.
Also, if I ever hear of someone having cancer, I automatically think that I have cancer and that I'm going to die! It's awful..it's so overwhelming..

03-28-2013, 12:42 AM
Same here I think about that all day , I just been trying to plan my all day , the night before , so I can keep my mind busy is so hard n scary whenever I think about that is so annoying I freaks me out .

03-28-2013, 05:55 AM
Kind of anxiety defined. Alankay

03-28-2013, 07:33 AM
That's my same anxiety. If someone has any illness, but especially cancer, I automatically think I do too. My mind obsesses over it until I'm so far gone that it feels impossible to see reality. I'm sorry you feel this way. It's a terrible debilitating feeling. Pm me anytime. I know your thoughts/feelings exactly.

03-30-2013, 07:25 PM
I know dying is a part of life but for some reason I am terrified. My mom died at 53... Then ppl I knew really well died back to back to back at young ages. I get so upset thinking about it. I am a Christian and believe in Gods word but sometimes the fear overwhelms me. I can't plan or have happy thoughts without some illness or disaster creeping in my head ENOUGH ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!

Walking Circles
03-30-2013, 08:42 PM
This right hear is my big thing. Every time I experience any sort of health related thing I automatically diagnose myself with some rare and fatal condition. I constantly worry I won't be around for my wife, I takes a hold of me so hard that I actually left a letter with my brother to opened just in case something happens. Sad thing is that I know that I am way out there with my fear but I still can't stop myself.

03-31-2013, 10:51 PM
Same here. I get anxious over a lot, but nothing more than this one. I definitely lose it about cancer or tumors and the like, and if I see a spider (which I know have the rare potential to be deadly), sh*t hits the fan.

04-01-2013, 01:16 AM
I also have this fear! I have a cold at the moment and that anxious voice always insists its something more! I'm driving myself insane! & the most horrible thing is, my body reacts to stress before my thoughts do which makes me feel out of control :( I'm trying to stay positive! Stay positive people!

04-01-2013, 02:42 AM
Your not on your own with this thought. If someone is talking about it its like my ears home in on it. Even if i try and block it out i cant. Its like i take another thought, feeling or worry i take on board. I seem to home in on Heart attacks, strokes, Diabetes & cancer. I wish i could just be normal and live my life........!

04-01-2013, 05:12 AM
Your not on your own with this thought. If someone is talking about it its like my ears home in on it. Even if i try and block it out i cant. Its like i take another thought, feeling or worry i take on board. I seem to home in on Heart attacks, strokes, Diabetes & cancer. I wish i could just be normal and live my life........!

Im exactly the same I cant stop myself from listening then making I to something more in my head especially anything to do with the heart I send myself crazy with bad thoughts

04-01-2013, 05:35 AM
Im exactly the same I cant stop myself from listening then making I to something more in my head especially anything to do with the heart I send myself crazy with bad thoughts

I'm the same .... Focus on the worse thing poss :-(
Hav u always been like it ? I knw my started wen I was younger as my dad always told us we had sumink wrong with us , or we coughed so many time a day etc ( controlling ) .... If u had a pain or sumink then it must ov been serious