View Full Version : It's getting better

suzie f
03-27-2013, 11:50 AM
Hi everyone!I just wanted to say hi and that I'm new to this. I've been struggling with anxiety on and off most all my life but in a severe way over the last year and a half. I thought I'd try some of these forums. My heart breaks at what I read and I totally understand.

03-27-2013, 10:36 PM
Hi Susie f - welcome to the forum- this is a wonderful group of people who will support you and lift you up when you are at a low point - I hope you find comfort and support in the forum

03-27-2013, 11:33 PM
Welcome !! Here if u need to chat :-)

03-28-2013, 09:54 AM
I have monk just joined but just getting a response helps me some days. It feels good to try to help anyone too, if you think you can, or accept help from others to help yourself.

03-28-2013, 10:28 AM
Can't type today - not 'monk'! - I meant I have only just joined! Will have to remember to read before push send!

suzie f
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi Susie f - welcome to the forum- this is a wonderful group of people who will support you and lift you up when you are at a low point - I hope you find comfort and support in the forum

good morning everyone! it felt good to see responses this morning! i wanted to type more yesterday but had to wait for approval. this morning my anxiety is minimal but i am going away over night tomorrow and a bit anxious about it. i am believing it will be ok though. i know my thoughts have a HUGE effect on my behavior. i also started taking this emotional balance kit (3 things) just about 5 weeks ago and i'm actually amazed at my improvement. i love it because it's all natural! last time i was on RX's they about killed me! ended up in hospital for a suicide attempt and my kidneys and liver shutting down. i was so sick and now so scared to go back on any medication. i was about ready to go to the dr. knowing i couldn't live like this anymore, but then i found the equilib w/the healthy digest and bowel support. i am happy about that because there are no side effects! i'm much more into alternative/natural medicine anyway but it often takes more time to work than a rx. that's ok though this time it was so worth the wait. i'm even sleeping better and that's a miracle for sure!! every night at bedtime i would have a severe panic attack so then i didn't want to go to bed because i knew i'd have the panic attack. CRAZY!! i haven't had a panic attack in 2 weeks.
well, i hope you all have a good and manageable day and i will check in sun or mon after my trip.