View Full Version : Overwhelmed

03-26-2013, 08:04 PM
Today has been rough. It began with me being tired. I took care of my responsibilities, but I'm still not feeling well. I still have that tight throat feeling, pain shooing down my left arm, all of my muscles are sore now, even joints will get throbbing pain, and I have a low fever. I'm supposed to go in for my yearly check up tomorrow and I'm frightened. I'm afraid all of my fears will come to pass. I'm afraid they will tell me cancer. And it will be bad. I'm so tired of all of this!

03-26-2013, 08:18 PM
Can I add that my WBC was just fine a year ago. Not anything my doc was worried about. It was 7.5 and the normal range is 3.8-10.8. Could it have grown this quickly? What I my numbers this time are higher than last year? Does that mean there is something wrong?

03-27-2013, 11:20 AM

03-27-2013, 11:47 AM
Hi, Im new here. I just did my bloodwork yesterday and now Im freaking out what could be wrong and thinking the worst. Im so sorry you feel this way and I hope everything turns out fine. Take care

03-27-2013, 12:16 PM
It has always bothered me that if you were an athlete or politician, they would give your blood test results to you straight away instead of being made to ponder all the possibilities for a week

Sounds to me that you will be wrong yet again on your self diagnosis of your ailments

You don't think you will have all those bad things, your anxiety does.

And when you are anxious, he rules the roost.

Remember all your far fetched ideas are just another symptom of anxiety. Don't treat them like reality

If I had written your post, what would you tell me to do?

03-27-2013, 12:27 PM
If I had written your post, what would you tell me to do?

I'd tell you to stop wearing women's clothes!!


Nixon is right with his point about all far fetched ideas being another symptom of anxiety.

It's hard for us to accept that our mind can almost be 'overtaken' by this condition, but in a way it does.

When you have anxiety, your mind doesn't divide itself up into different segments; "Anxious segment", "Non-anxious segment", "Logical segment", "Illogical segment" etc. There is just the mind, tired and as you put it yourself, 'overwhelmed' by anxiety and stress. There aren't really profound anxious thoughts. That is to say; you don't get anxious thoughts that are better than others, or cleverer. There aren't anxious thoughts that are more worthy of attention than others. There are only anxiety thoughts that you choose to pay more attention to, because you want to. (And this is so tempting, nobodies judging you :) But you do have power over them)

Create that equillibrium. This is so important. Treat ALL anxiety thoughts the same. So many times we spot 70% of our anxiety thoughts and fears, and deal with them successfully, but give the other 30% a pass, the other 30% are allowed to keep going exempt from the exclusion of the other 70 - We then wonder why we don't get better. We can't can we? It's like an alcoholic drinking 3 days a week. It's only a matter of time before it becomes 50% again, and 70% again. How can we heal, when we keep letting in 30% of what is poisonous to our recovery?

We always have our one or two favourite anxiety worries, that it seems we don't want to let go off. We want to allow them to fill our minds with what we see as useful chatter. It really does become a case of having the guts to throw your demons into the fire. We can get so attached to a type of anxiety, we end up not wanting to let it go.

It happened to me, I remember well, I got it upto 95%. 95% of anxiety thoughts I would laugh at, and be amused by. But there was always one or two that I let in, and they hurt me. Why did I need to? Why not just treat every single anxiety thought the same way. Well, simple. I was still falling for it's trick. It's very very hard to completely let go of anxiety. But it is entirely possible.

Now I treat anxiety as a game of April fools with myself. You think you'll get me? Try your best!! I still get some good ones. I've had a bad dose of insomnia, I had a thought today, saying, if you don't sleep tonight, you'll spiral badly back into that insomnia. For a second I believed it, I got pretty uneasy, it made so much sense. But it is STILL an anxiety thought. Disguised as logic :) It's April fools up in the head for anxiety sufferers. I spotted it, I laughed it off. I feel really good now, no tension. I'll sleep well tonight, Im sure.

I'm saying this, because I too believe your fears will be non-founded, and hopefully you can come back and reference these posts. (Fingers crossed of course as always)

03-27-2013, 04:47 PM
Thanks all. I'd like to think everything is ok too. I'm just in so much pain. My whole body is screaming at me in pain. Mostly my upper body. My shoulders are BURNING in pain. An my arms and neck. I think I may need a massage. Perhaps the worry and stress of it all has just created tense muscles that are in pain? It definitely wasn't like this 2 weeks ago. And it seems to be getting worse. When I went to my doctor, she was very kind. She realizes my hypersensitive nature and suggests that I make a 2 month follow up. In the meantime she checked my lymph nodes and said they were just fine. I told her of my tight throat and body. She said it could be a virus, or just globus. She ordered a wbc abd rbc just for my peace of mind. She believes everything is ok. Maybe the anxiety is taking over. Either way, the pain is excruciating. I just took some pain meds and hopefully it will help. Even my joints hurt. I have a lot going on. I'm moving, trying to get funding for the new house, buying new flooring, packing and stressed about my body. And on top of it all, we've been trying to conceive. I'm not sure if it's possible to even feel symptoms this early (I'd only be 3 weeks along) but I suppose it's a possibility.