View Full Version : Teachers Anxiety

07-08-2007, 11:37 AM
Hello everyone, i'm new here, feeling a little hit for 6 today as i had to simply walk out of my job this afternoon.

I'm a teacher teaching foreign students English and recently i've been having these surging feelings come over me, heart beat racing, a disconnection from people, my throat blocked up so bad i can't even speak and fear of vomiting. I was honest with my employer i told him that if i took another class i would most likely throw up or pass out right there in front of the students.

I thought i could control it but it was just too strong for me so i decided just to come out with it and tell them. Then I went to the hospital and i got an appointment with the psychiatrist tomorrow.

I only went 26 last week on the 1st of july and now on 7/7/7 i've come across a major obstacle in my life. But i'm not disheartened i've always believed that when one door closes another one opens and so what if i pass out or if i throw up its just something i'll deal with then it will pass, i've too much to do in my life to let this thing get the better of me.

I was thinking of going back though, do you have any advice for me returning to the place of trauma.

07-10-2007, 01:54 AM
i've too much to do in my life to let this thing get the better of me

Hi Kendem,

Seems like you have the right mind set to tackle this. As for returning to the place of trauma, this is always difficult as you learn to avoid such situations. Remember at the end of the day, it is all in our minds. You are not going to die from this :)

Good luck, and let us know how you go![/quote]

07-10-2007, 08:14 PM
thanks for the reply.

Well i quit one of my jobs, this thing i do at the weekends, i don't see it as a defeat however as it was very monotonous and i know of another two teachers who experienced the same sort of problems by working there.

I'm in the process of designing a website for my graphic design studio (as well as another business idea i've got brewing) and will try to type up the final draft of the play i wrote and finished before the deadline of my 26th birthday.

A good tip for people to feel up beat is to spend some time either in nature or watching some documentaries about the natural world, inspiring.