View Full Version : Update.

03-26-2013, 03:43 PM
Ok, so those of you who read my last post, you will know that my mother-in-law passed away suddenly while on holiday.
The last few weeks have been awful - I've basically used every ounce of energy I possess in propping my husband up as this has left him devastated and kind if lost.
So, what I want to know is, can stress and upset cause your head (and I mean every part of the head - jaw, eyes, forehead, scalp, neck and shoulders) to feel heavy and tight? And for light-headedness to become more apparent?
I'm trying not to freak out and still be strong for my husband but this feeling is scaring me.
I've also had a few hum-dinger panic attacks. They were fun! Ha

03-26-2013, 04:15 PM
Sry to hear :-(

Yes as far as I knw stress etc kan certainly cause these symptoms

03-26-2013, 04:19 PM
To answer your question, yes, anxiety can cause tightness in your neck, shoulders, back, etc....sometimes you are holding yourself so tightly, with the shoulders hunched, you may not even realize it.

03-27-2013, 12:15 AM
Ive had full blown anxiety & panic attack/disorder for around 4wks now.. now thinking back ive had it much longer but never took notice.
I too suffered tightness in the back of my neck right where it joins to my head, up the back of my head, my forehead etc. & my eyes felt extremely heavy & hurt. It also felt like i had someone pulling my head back or the back of my head was full of lead or something & really heavy. Its not as bad now & when i feel these coming on i grab an ice pack becoz it usually more then never ends in a tension headache or migraine.
Stress can cause tension headaches.. u might want to maybe see a dr just incase it gets worse. I wish i listened to my dr when he was concerned about anxiety 2 years ago. I probably wouldnt be feeling how i am today (my 1st day on medication today so lets hope it does help me eventually) sorry for ur partners loss best wishes for him & u xx

03-27-2013, 02:44 AM
Thanks for the replies.

I had quite a bad night. I fell asleep fine but was woken by my teenage son making too much noise - so I got out of bed to tell him to keep the noise down and I went really dizzy and disorientated. Now, what I should have told myself was that I stood up too quickly and I was tired, but no, I started overthinking and checking in on my whole body for symptoms, which I obviously found and this resulted in three hours (midnight to three this morning) in my heart galloping from my chest and my stomach literally in knots. I even woke my poor husband up to talk to me because I felt I couldn't calm myself down. I am angry at myself for letting myself get so worked up, and there's the old demon in the back of my mind saying, 'it might not be anxiety - you really could be dying' -
In the light of day I am able to rationalise what happened in the night and realise I am over stressed and over sensitive - but in the dead of night, with no distractions, it is scary shit! X

03-27-2013, 07:02 AM
Thanks for the replies.

I had quite a bad night. I fell asleep fine but was woken by my teenage son making too much noise - so I got out of bed to tell him to keep the noise down and I went really dizzy and disorientated. Now, what I should have told myself was that I stood up too quickly and I was tired, but no, I started overthinking and checking in on my whole body for symptoms, which I obviously found and this resulted in three hours (midnight to three this morning) in my heart galloping from my chest and my stomach literally in knots. I even woke my poor husband up to talk to me because I felt I couldn't calm myself down. I am angry at myself for letting myself get so worked up, and there's the old demon in the back of my mind saying, 'it might not be anxiety - you really could be dying' -
In the light of day I am able to rationalise what happened in the night and realise I am over stressed and over sensitive - but in the dead of night, with no distractions, it is scary shit! X

That sucks

I will tell you tell you this story about an older guy I knew that had suffered from health anxiety for 40 years

When he was in his 60's he had a heart attack. You would think that would make things even worse.

Funny thing is, it completely healed him

He said when you are having a heart attack, you know it. Not like any of the symptoms he once thought were symptoms

I hope he lives a lot longer so he can enjoy many anxiety free years

03-27-2013, 08:50 AM
Interesting story Nixon. I have a similar, although less dramatic anecdote, whereby I was terrified of having schizophrenia in hiding, ignored all doctors advises, and went to try and get myself on the psych ward, to be examined 24 hours as I believed they were missing something. They obliged seeing as a I fudged my symptom list a little.

Wow was that eye opening. Squashed all my fears of being 'crazy' when I had a large black woman sit on me completely naked thinking I was her Godmother.

03-27-2013, 09:23 AM
We all lose out virginity one way or another. LOL

Amazing once you see what you have been fearing up close and personal, you will quickly realize you dine have that

Then you are free to worry about something else you don't have.

03-27-2013, 12:00 PM
Interesting story Nixon. I have a similar, although less dramatic anecdote, whereby I was terrified of having schizophrenia in hiding, ignored all doctors advises, and went to try and get myself on the psych ward, to be examined 24 hours as I believed they were missing something. They obliged seeing as a I fudged my symptom list a little.

Wow was that eye opening. Squashed all my fears of being 'crazy' when I had a large black woman sit on me completely naked thinking I was her Godmother.

Ha, that actually made me giggle! It probably shouldn't, but it did!!!

03-27-2013, 12:10 PM
Ha, that actually made me giggle! It probably shouldn't, but it did!!!

Then my suffering wasn't in vain :D

03-27-2013, 12:18 PM
You and vanity have no problem being in the same sentence