View Full Version : Is it possible to cure anxiety fast?

03-26-2013, 09:52 AM
So I've been struggling with anxiety for a week and I have enough of it, I just want to be back to normal. Whenever I hear a success story, however, it most often consists of some multi-month treatment, usually something around a year. This got me thinking: is it possible to cure anxiety faster? With right mindset, trying to be calm and so on? Just to get rid of it in a matter of few weeks (preferably days but I guess that's impossible - there's a guy on youtube who claims to have cured it overnight and completely after 3 days, though)?

03-26-2013, 10:38 AM
I think it all depends on what is at the root of your anxiety? What do you think is causing yours? Have you had anxiety previous to this current one week of it?

03-26-2013, 10:45 AM
It can be easily overcome once you understand that all the physical symptoms, crazy thoughts, worrying etc, are just anxiety symptoms and they are not dangerous or abnormal.

Once you can grasp that , it simply stops bothering you so you don't feel bad. Not that you won't ever get those feelings and thoughts, but you will train your big brain to stop reacting negatively

Just a case of how long it takes you to truly believe the above

I hope you master it quickly

03-26-2013, 10:55 AM
You guys pour honey onto my heart :) As for my anxiety - the problem is I don't know the root. I have great grades, perfect contact with my family, have always been one of the "popular" at college/school (and I don't mean drugs/smokes/alcohol by that - never did any) and had such joyful attitude towards life that I was smiling 80% of the time. That's why the abrupt rise of anxiety condition last Tuesday in myself drives me nuts - I just hate the derealization that now accompanies me for 3/4 of a day and I just want it to end, be happy again. I'd not even give a second thought about any anxiety weren't it for these derealization periods...

And what was the last thing the anxiety started? I felt a little derealization before an exam so I read onto it in the Internet in the evening. I clogged my head with ideas like "it may be mental illness" after that and spent the whole Tuesday and Wednesday paranoid if I'm not sick in the head. Before I read that this may be anxiety, I was already 3 or 4 days into straight worrying cycle if I'm ever gonna come back...

03-26-2013, 11:02 AM
Them stop looking for a reason

You may just have it in you, like me

No reason it's just my personality

03-26-2013, 11:07 AM
Them stop looking for a reason

You may just have it in you, like me

No reason it's just my personality

Me too! I really have nothing in my life that should cause me major anxiety. I've been very blessed with a good life....but yet and still, I suffer from anxiety. Honestly, my battle with anxiety is a daily thing. I work hard to keep it in check, and have adopted some new things in my life, like meditation, exercise,and Tai chi, and removed other things like watching anxiety provoking programming,large salt intake, negative influences, etc. It had helped, but I'm not going to lie to you, it is work.

03-26-2013, 12:49 PM
Are you currently under any stress?

03-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Are you currently under any stress?

Only about the derealized vision. I want it to go away ASAP - I know constant worrying about it is not the way to go so most of the times I just try to ignore it (and am better at it every day) but sometimes, after a few hours of constant weird vision with only several minutes of relief even though I try my best to ignore it, I just lose it and start thinking about how long will it take to cure, when will it be over and how bad I feel compared to the "normal" feeling. Generally the "I want regular vision" rant.

03-26-2013, 01:28 PM
Everyone suffers from anxiety to some degree. We're all human. Some people just have a more severe case of it. This can be due to many things like, family history, past experiences, nerve problems, low self esteem, stress, and mind patterns. I think for a lot of people, especially the ones who suffer from anxiety later on in life, the anxiety is caused by mind patterns and stress. This means that you may have been exposed to a situation in which you felt extremely nervous, helpless, or lost.

Maybe you got in an accident, or lost a job you've had for years, or were bullied, etc..... Even though you may not necessarily be thinking of these occasions at all times, your subconscious has never really let go. It holds on to these thoughts deep inside your mind. Many thoughts pass through our head every day. There are also buried thoughts that we don't access on a daily basis. These thoughts are expressed in the way we feel and perceive life. That's why you have some people who are bitter, rude, and unpleasant to be around, and then you have people who are always upbeat, positive, and fun to hang out with. It's all in the way we see life and others.

In order to try and overcome your anxiety, you have to get down to the root cause and move on. We can't control what happens in life. The only thing we can control is how we live it. You must condition your mind to think positive and to realize that most likely, nothing is going to happen. Your mind is used to patterns. So try and change your current pattern to a more productive and positive one. Make sure to exercise, meditate, and do yoga as well. This all helps..

03-26-2013, 02:48 PM
Everyone suffers from anxiety to some degree. We're all human. Some people just have a more severe case of it. This can be due to many things like, family history, past experiences, nerve problems, low self esteem, stress, and mind patterns. I think for a lot of people, especially the ones who suffer from anxiety later on in life, the anxiety is caused by mind patterns and stress. This means that you may have been exposed to a situation in which you felt extremely nervous, helpless, or lost.

Maybe you got in an accident, or lost a job you've had for years, or were bullied, etc..... Even though you may not necessarily be thinking of these occasions at all times, your subconscious has never really let go. It holds on to these thoughts deep inside your mind. Many thoughts pass through our head every day. There are also buried thoughts that we don't access on a daily basis. These thoughts are expressed in the way we feel and perceive life. That's why you have some people who are bitter, rude, and unpleasant to be around, and then you have people who are always upbeat, positive, and fun to hang out with. It's all in the way we see life and others.

In order to try and overcome your anxiety, you have to get down to the root cause and move on. We can't control what happens in life. The only thing we can control is how we live it. You must condition your mind to think positive and to realize that most likely, nothing is going to happen. Your mind is used to patterns. So try and change your current pattern to a more productive and positive one. Make sure to exercise, meditate, and do yoga as well. This all helps..

Thank you so much for your post. Thankfully, I had no traumatic event lately and have no reasons for fear in my life. Then, I guess I may just try to force myself to positive thinking like I used to think... May be hard when I have the 4-hour derealized vision in a row but well... Can't do too much rather than try to think like i used to, right?

03-26-2013, 04:09 PM
How have you been sleeping?