View Full Version : Question to people experiencing derealization

03-26-2013, 06:20 AM
So I think I have anxiety problems, for something around a week now. My main problem are the derealization periods which most often last a few hours. What I'm interested in, though, is: sometimes I feel very relaxed. I talk with family/friends, we laugh and suddenly derealization kicks in. I try to keep calm but after a short while I enter this weird loop of constant asking myself why it happened if I'm not stressed, maybe it's not anxiety etc. etc. Do you have such things, too?

Also, do derealization periods "divide" your days? I mean: for me, I feel as if one day consisted of many mini-days (the "normal" and "derealized" periods) and though I can recollect every moment chronologically, I feel as if my sense of time was somehow altered compared to the normal one.