View Full Version : Advice please!

03-26-2013, 06:08 AM
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but felt it was time to speak to other people also suffering. I have suffered from anxiety/panic since I was 18 years old.. I'm now 24. Normally i can eventually get my panic under control and wrongly avoid situations that cause me great anxiety. There's also a comfort in knowing I can get away from my panicky situation. However last week I was feeling abit fed up and emotional after having a cold for a few days and when I woke up on Friday It was as though someone had turned a panic alarm of inside of me that I couldn't turn off and i had what can only be described as some kid of melt down.. I went to the doctor who prescribed propranalol 10mg. Over the weekend it got worse and worse to the point that I was on the verge of going to A&E with this hopeless and desperate feeling. I managed to stay at home and on Monday the dr left me a prescription for diazepam. I took one yesterday and felt only slightly better but then had the drowsiness that diazepam can cause. I've woke up this morning with the intention to go to work only to turn around before I'd left my road.. I'm now terrified to go out because of this panic and anxious feeling inside of me. To make matters worse I'm really struggling to eat which isn't helping me. As the empty feeling is making me worry ill pass out! It's turned into the viscous circle of me worrying I have an illness which has caused this sudden and terrifyingly intense panic!! Can anybody offer any advise? Thank you!

03-26-2013, 06:36 AM
Hey i had almost the same thing happen to me yesterday. I went to school yesterday morning and i wasn't feeling so great. As soon as the bell rang for 1st period i felt light headed dizzy and like i was going to pass out. I then began to panic and i went into a panic attack. I felt pure panic, like i was in a dream and i was unreal and not on the ground, unstable, dizzy, light headed, heard ringing in my ears. I had to run from my 1st period class room to the office. I felt like i was going to scream and just run out of the doors. I called my mom and told her i wasn't feeling well. She told me to just stick it through so i went and sat at the nurses office for a little while. Then i tried going back to class but by that time it was already 2nd period. When i got to second period i had another panic attack and ran back to the office and called my mom yet again. She told me to hold on, that should would have my older sister pick me up. So i went back to the nurse and waited for my sister to come. When i got home i felt better. But then around noon i had another panic attack. The whole day i felt anxious. I went to the doc and they put my on Zantac. It helped me calm down a bit and i was able to fall asleep. But last night i was already worried about this morning and school. This morning i woke up to get ready for school at 6 and i took my medicine at 6:20. I had to catch my bus by 7:00. I was already freaking out and felt as if i was going to have yet again, another panic attack. But my mom kept telling me that everything was in my mind and that the meds wouldn't allow me too. I was very scared. I told my mom i couldn't do this that i was freaking out. I didn't go to school, i stayed home. The Zantac has made me very drowsy and i want to go to sleep but i know i shouldn't. I feel like this is never going to get better and that i wont ever be able to go to school again. I still feel like I'm in a dream and dizzy. I don't know how to calm myself down when i feel so anxious they way i felt yesterday. I felt like i can somewhat relate to your story. If you need someone to talk to who can relate in a way, i am here (:

03-26-2013, 07:18 AM
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but felt it was time to speak to other people also suffering. I have suffered from anxiety/panic since I was 18 years old.. I'm now 24. Normally i can eventually get my panic under control and wrongly avoid situations that cause me great anxiety. There's also a comfort in knowing I can get away from my panicky situation. However last week I was feeling abit fed up and emotional after having a cold for a few days and when I woke up on Friday It was as though someone had turned a panic alarm of inside of me that I couldn't turn off and i had what can only be described as some kid of melt down.. I went to the doctor who prescribed propranalol 10mg. Over the weekend it got worse and worse to the point that I was on the verge of going to A&E with this hopeless and desperate feeling. I managed to stay at home and on Monday the dr left me a prescription for diazepam. I took one yesterday and felt only slightly better but then had the drowsiness that diazepam can cause. I've woke up this morning with the intention to go to work only to turn around before I'd left my road.. I'm now terrified to go out because of this panic and anxious feeling inside of me. To make matters worse I'm really struggling to eat which isn't helping me. As the empty feeling is making me worry ill pass out! It's turned into the viscous circle of me worrying I have an illness which has caused this sudden and terrifyingly intense panic!! Can anybody offer any advise? Thank you!

What is important that you said is that your are terrified because of the panic and anxiety. Hat is great that you realize it's the anxiety making you feel that way, not some illness or heart attack

Go out. Go to work. That anxiety will pass whether you sit at home or do something. Let it come, let it go and don't react. Beat the trick its trying to play

You are stressed and have an anxiety disorder. Never a good cocktail

But it is only anxiety. No harm to you.