View Full Version : About me I need help

07-08-2007, 04:24 AM
I was looking on google and found this site, and I think it explains alot of the answer I have been looking for. I am 19 years old and I believe I have had Social Phobia ever since middle school. The first middle school I went to I got picked on alot, then I transfered my 8th grade year and actually made good freinds and I have them still to this day. The problem is for some reason I dont feel comfortable around people I dont know. Sometimes I do but most of the time I dont. I could never give presentations or anything in school and I alot of times I was scared to go and talk to girls by myself. I got over that though, now I can talk to girls without a problem. The big concern is here in the past year or so after experencing smoking weed and such. Out of all my last 5 jobs or so I feel like people are always talking about me. While im in work or before I go to work I shake and tremble knowing I have to go in. I sometimes take Xanix's to help me out even though they dont always work. I am not really anti-social like this site says I would be, its just that for some reason I feel so uncomfortable around alot of people that I dont know. I do know I dont have clostrophobia though. I dread going into work, or even going into the court room. I shake sitting down waiting for the judge to call my name about a traffic violation and when I get up there I tremble in front of everyone. Not only that, but I would like someone to answer this question. When I started smoking weed I got high just like everyone else, but now when I do it I feel like people think I am so weird and think I am gay. Not just when I smoke weed but sometimes when im around alot of people I feel they are thinking that. I have no clue why. I know I am 100% straight. I have a girlfreind and nothing other than a beautiful female could turn me on so I have no clue why this is happening. Its like I have been loosing my mind. I need severe help and I am going to check back alot to see if someone has any suggestions or anything for me. Thanks

07-15-2007, 12:27 PM
This probably doesn't answer any of your questions, but the first thing I'd suggest, is stop blaming your problems on smoking weed. If the weed itself IS the problem, the choice is yours whether you wish to continue smoking it or not. It's a problem that could be solved as easily as losing your dealer's cell number.

If you're trying to interact with society while you're baked, you're just asking for problems.
~"Paranoia will destroy ya"~

Save the pot for when you have absolutely NOTHING to do... and either when you're alone... or in the company of a small group of friends you feel comfortable with, and whom are in the same headspace.

If it's not helping you to enjoy life, it's really not serving a purpose.