View Full Version : Im scared.

03-26-2013, 05:56 AM
So tomorrow i had a panic attack at school. I went to the docs and got on meds to calm me down and i couldn't go to school today. I just couldn't. i felt fear. I was terrified to go. The meds i guess didn't work. I don't know if its going to take a day or so to work and stop me from worrying but i just really want to calm down so i can go to school. I am so scared and feel so alone right now. I don't know how to calm down and think good thoughts and my breathing techniques hasn't been working. I just don't know anymore.

03-26-2013, 05:57 AM
Yesterday i had a panic attack *

03-26-2013, 06:49 AM
Any advice? Please help

03-26-2013, 07:09 AM
That's was the worse part for me, worrying about the next one

Benzos can calm you but most important is that the panic attack didn't harm you in any way. Just scared you

Always remember that. Discomfort but not dangerous. Never will hurt you as many as you may have. Always will be fine

How long have you been dealing with this? Recent?

03-26-2013, 07:42 AM
I have had anxiety since i was about 8 years old and I'm 15 now. I always worried just about everything like death. I learned how to control it for awhile. About a year and a half ago i was taking celexa but i got off of it because i was doing good. And just yesterday at school i had that horrible panic attack. The worst one i have had yet. And it was while i was at school. So now I'm afraid of going to school because i think its going to keep happening. Everyone tells me that the medicine my doctor put me on last night called Zantac will not allow me to have a panic attack. But this morning i still felt anxious about going to school. I could not go. I thought this medicine was supposed to work right away. But maybe it takes a day or so to work, idk. I need to go to school but i never want to go back because I'm scared. I tried deep breathing today when i started worrying so i wouldn't go into an attack but it wasn't working. I even tried talking to myself and calming myself down with good words and telling myself its just school and nothing's going to happen, and i i start freaking put again i can just call someone to come pick me up. Im just going through such a tough tome right now. Im scared.

03-26-2013, 07:45 AM
The advice you gave me is really good. I know panic attacks wont kill me and that its just my body doing it but i completely had a melt down the other day. It was so scary for me. I couldn't hold it in. I wanted to get down on my knees and just scream with fear. I have had panic attacks before but never this bad before. This has been my worst one yet. I was really shaken up yesterday from it.

03-26-2013, 08:03 AM
You can get control of it!!!! First, recognize that its just a panic attack, it can't hurt you, it simply doesn't feel good. What I do when I start to feel anxious is, close my eyes. Picture something calming, like sitting on the beach or something. I breath in through my nose, hold it for 4 seconds, and exhale through my mouth. Doing this continually will slow down your heart rate, and you will start to feel the feelings of anxiety subside.
I can tell you from experience, you get such a sense of accomplishment when you face your fear head on, and see that you can make it through the situation. You can do it!!!