View Full Version : Panic attack after effects..

03-25-2013, 10:24 PM
So my panic attack last Thursday lasted for less than 17 mins, I didn't check my pulse during (as I didn't want to encourage it) but I did check it after the 17 mins and it was around 80-90 bpm.. I felt calm just really out of it and tired, I kept falling asleep but waking up feeling a wave of panic only to reassure myself all is well and go back to sleep (every time I rolled over also I could really feel my heart beating and when I checked in the middle of the night it was still sitting around 80bpm)

I did a bunch of searching come morning around 8:30am as I couldn't handle the constant feeling of the beating to find out why I still felt like I still had adrenaline in me just surging. I did read that you should drink lots of water to flush it out so after a couple of glasses of water and orange juice and an hour later, my pulse finally dropped to its normal 68-72 bpm and I felt better no more surging.

Anyone else experience prolonged sensations after panic attack?

03-26-2013, 02:03 AM
Yes I do !! Mine last for days :(

03-26-2013, 09:34 PM
Yes I do !! Mine last for days :(

What kinds of things stay with you??