View Full Version : can anxiety cause this?.....

Andrew Marino
03-25-2013, 05:27 PM
Hey I have been a business trip to atlanta for the past week. I came down here from jersey and i have noticed that since ive been in atlanta...i have received really bad allergies...and severe stomach and gastro issues (bubbline, pain, bloating)....also my bp has been high..normally my bp in jersey was 127/70's here it has been 165/95....i hope that is just anxiety and nerves...also i have noticed that when i exhale or inhale i can see and feel very strongly my heart in my chest and stomach....a week before i came to Atlanta i went to the hospital for a ct scan of my whole chest and stomach and pelvis and many blood tests and said everything came back great...so what the hell am i feeling over here....

03-25-2013, 05:34 PM
We all have different symptoms with our anxiety, but assuming it isn't the general stress of being on a business trip, it might just be you're coming down with a cold. Blood pressure often changes as the body fights bacteria.

Did you fly down? Planes are great places for swapping germs.

Did you eat the airline food? On the rare occasions hunger overrides my brain telling me that there's no way that small slab of yellow carpet is egg and I actually eat the food provided I tend to feel pretty rough. :)

Andrew Marino
03-26-2013, 02:57 PM
oh well ive never been without my family since ive had anxiety for over a day and this has been almost two weeks without them...yep i flew down but didn't eat the food...it was only a 1hr 55min flight. and now today im feeling little points of a pin drop on my skin...kind of random every couple of minutes or so.

03-26-2013, 04:06 PM
I have nad stomach issues anxiety snd IBS tend to go hand in hand i started having ibs when my anxiety got worse

Andrew Marino
03-28-2013, 11:14 AM
Also, for the past week my body has to focus on breathing or I dont breath.

03-28-2013, 12:39 PM
Yeah for sure. Alankay

03-28-2013, 02:55 PM
Yep I've had the stomach and breathing issues!

Andrew Marino
03-29-2013, 09:01 AM
shees today its the same...i keep focusing on breathing and if i dont it feels like my body wont breath on its own...i leave tomorrow back home. :)

03-29-2013, 11:46 PM
Hi Andrew,

I remember having this issue before I overcame the anxiety monster.. I remember saying to my doctor that I stop breathing a lot... He looked at me with this incredulous look and said this straight to me.
"Breathing is an automatic thing your body does and you can't stop it from breathing for than a minute or so. You would just pass out so that you breathe again"

It,s anxiety.. Try to remember a time when you got a real fright. What's the first thing you did? I bet it was a quick deep breat and then you held it for a few seconds before letting go. It's the flight or flight response that your anxiety sets off that makes you hold your breath for a little bit then you breathe again..

Get past this because its nothingn to worry about.



Andrew Marino
03-30-2013, 10:10 PM
damn....when i try to go to sleep...i almost pass out then my mind thinks my body is not breathing and I snap back to conscience and then my heart beats really strong for about 1 minute. Its almost like a quick grab to breath. Anybody gets those???

03-30-2013, 10:30 PM
All the time, or at least once a week.

Some of my sleep jerks (as I believe they are called) as so intense that I feel like my entire body is vibrating and I go from drifting off to wide awake in half a second.

It sucks and is probably exacerbated by anxiety, but it won't actually hurt you. It's just really annoying and lame.

At least you'll be home really soon and hopefully back to normal!

03-31-2013, 02:41 AM
Definitely all sound like symptoms if anxiety - amazing what it does to you, and not same symptoms all the time so have to learn to handle each one. Breathing is usually key to all of them - so try deep slow breathing when any symptoms happen.