View Full Version : symptoms

Alice Pimm
03-25-2013, 04:58 PM
im having weird feelings. its a tingling behind right temple and behind right ear and basically the right side of face and head. its freaking me out and making me panic more. now im getting hot and feeling sick. does anyone have this face feeling. how do i stop it

03-25-2013, 05:11 PM
Hello! That happens to me a lot!! It's a strange stinging/hot/burning feeling usually restricted to one side of my face that happens when I worry a lot. Mine happens when I clench my jaw (and I clench it hard, especially at night!).

Alice Pimm
03-25-2013, 05:34 PM
how do u deal with it. its making me freak out. i think like im having a stroke

03-25-2013, 09:21 PM
Honestly, all I coud really do was try to distract myself by writing in my journal/watching tv/something like that. My boyfriend is very supportive of my horribly anxious self and does his best to get me distracted am from my fears. The tingling is uncomfortable, yes, but it goes away on its own. Mine went away when I started consciously trying not to clench my jaw. From my understanding, it's a common problem with TMJ. You might find a lot of people here talking about that.