View Full Version : Cannot let go...

03-25-2013, 02:27 PM
So.. it's been over a year since my major panic attack that started this incredibly difficult journey of fighting to live a normal life and yet I still cannot get over it. I had my initial panic attack while working at the hospital in the emergency room, all was well until I suddenly felt hot, racing heart, disoriented, arms and legs started to tingle, nausea, etc.. Since I was already in emerg, I had blood work done, blood sugars tested, ecg, blood pressure, all to be told that I am okay and had just had a panic attack. I am fearful to this day partly because of the stories I read, for example and not to freak anyone out, but I am 26 and I read a story in the paper about a 25 yr old that died while participating in a tug of war activity on the french version of survivor. Immediately I start thinking "oh no, what if the doctors are wrong" "if he could have cardiac arrest at 25, doing a physical activity, who's to say I won't also". I have been struggling with going to the gym and keeping myself active as I know it is good for me although the thought/feeling of my heart rate increasing petrifies me, along with the fact that I get palps that also scare me, now this just scares me even more to not want to have my heart beat too much. Ughhh... why can't I just accept life and go on?????

03-25-2013, 02:41 PM
That person probably had an existing heart condition its the exception,not the rule.... . Can you go to your doc and request an ekg. They will be able to tell you if everything is fine. If they see anything abnormal, ( just to note, anxiety can cause abnormal findings on an ekg.) They will send you to have a stress test done. Basically, they have you run on a treadmill and see how your heart can handle physical activity. If that comes back clear, then you absolutely should have no worries.
I got a stress test done, came back with no issues....that was two years ago, and now I do high energy exercise without issue.
I think you are probably fine, but you may want to follow up with your doc to discuss how you are feeling.

03-25-2013, 03:04 PM
I had an ecg done sept.2011 and it came back clear. Should I ask to do have another one done and also a stress test, just to be sure? It freaks me out just thinking about doing these!!

03-25-2013, 04:50 PM
I looked up having a stress test done in the city I am in... it say's the place a blood pressure cuff on you for the test also, just reading that they do that scares me... I am scared of having high blood pressure and every time I get it tested it's high because I am so worked up. Last summer however I would check my blood pressure all the time at the gym and when I was out in the drug stores and it was always normal. I do not know how to overcome the fear of high blood pressure?!

03-25-2013, 05:23 PM
I looked up having a stress test done in the city I am in... it say's the place a blood pressure cuff on you for the test also, just reading that they do that scares me... I am scared of having high blood pressure and every time I get it tested it's high because I am so worked up. Last summer however I would check my blood pressure all the time at the gym and when I was out in the drug stores and it was always normal. I do not know how to overcome the fear of high blood pressure?!

If you start exercising first by doing yoga, then slowly transitioning to walking, then jogging, your heart might get used to the slower increases and you will be able to handle a stress test with ease. I dont think it is going to hurt you, but if the concern is that its too much for your heart, just keep verifying what you know: If you can handle moving around and walking places already, you probably can handle some gentle yoga. This is the level that will be the easiest on your body. If you can do yoga, you can walk. If you can walk for an hour comfortably, you can jog some. etc. I would start exercising before the test so you will be at ease. It really will help, I think.
: )

03-25-2013, 05:34 PM
If you start exercising first by doing yoga, then slowly transitioning to walking, then jogging, your heart might get used to the slower increases and you will be able to handle a stress test with ease. I dont think it is going to hurt you, but if the concern is that its too much for your heart, just keep verifying what you know: If you can handle moving around and walking places already, you probably can handle some gentle yoga. This is the level that will be the easiest on your body. If you can do yoga, you can walk. If you can walk for an hour comfortably, you can jog some. etc. I would start exercising before the test so you will be at ease. It really will help, I think.
: )

I go to the gym and use the elliptical, treadmill. I am not afraid of working myself up as in exercising.. I am afraid of the blood pressure monitoring. If a stress test involves having your blood pressure taken, I'm not sure I can do it!?

03-25-2013, 05:41 PM
Oh. That is a completely different critter. I understand that. Sometimes the only way to physically make yourself get through it is to take a pill. There are certain situations that I personally avoid at all costs. If I had to face one though, I would be sure to either take a lorazepam, or exercise until I was in so much pain and so tired that I didnt care about anything else but getting through it so I can relax. If you have a bigger goal, such as taking care of a physical need, sometimes its can override the emotion. I know it sounds weird, but it has worked for me before. I ran for three miles and gave my nervous system something else to think about. Any event after that kind of physical stress, will be dulled by your body's need to repair.

03-25-2013, 05:49 PM
I can only push myself so hard though because I also have a fear of feeling my heart beat, so the more I push myself the more I feel it. I have often wondered though... Last summer I was on Paxil which I must say really worked for me, and at that time I could take my blood pressure all the time and it was normal and I was okay doing it, now however I am on Prozac and I feel the complete opposite? I know Paxil made me feel calmer and mellow whereas the Prozac makes me feel more perky and a bit more energized?!

03-25-2013, 05:58 PM
Lorazepam may skew the results, and might even make them decide they'll need to do the test another day.

As bitofthread says, the alternative way to approach it might be to go to the gym on your way, do half your usual routine just to get the body warmed up, then effectively complete your usual work out with the stress test. From what I've read of them, they're not particularly demanding, and most healthy/active people breeze through without any issue.

Understand completely about not wanting to push to that point where you become aware of your heart rate. I'm seriously into my cycling, which can see my heart rate at over 170 in places. If I'm on my own, almost always results in stopping what I'm doing and bringing it down. If I'm with a group of friends, or there's something on my mind, I usually don't even notice and it'll only be afterwards when I'm looking back over the HRM logs I'll see that it's hit that level.

03-25-2013, 07:20 PM
It is completely normal for your blood pressure to increase during exercise. In fact you systolic should increase and dystolic should drop some. Mine went from 126/82 right at the start of the test to 168/68 when I had the test maxed out.

I am having bad heart anxiety myself this past month. I do too get scared about feeling my heart speed up, like I am going to make it pop or something else irrational. What I do need to start doing is listen to the docs that it is okay and that what I am feeling is physical symptoms of my thoughts.

Long story short, if you are going to workout, your heart and blood pressure will go up. it is natural!!!!