View Full Version : Extreme guilt?

03-25-2013, 11:46 AM
One thing that really gets to me about my anxiety is when it effects my relationship. I get random feelings of guilt around my gf and it makes things awkward while its happening. Then my anxiety combined with my INTP personality makes me completely over-analyze the situation. I start getting intrusive thoughts about how I hope she doesnt think im cheating on her and what is she thinking about and it spirals from there. I would NEVER do something like that but whenever i feel that it might be crossing my girlfriends mind i obsess over it and feel extremely guilty. Does anyone else experience this or have any thoughts?

03-25-2013, 11:51 AM
Guilt triggered my anxiety you aren't alone

03-25-2013, 12:04 PM
Haha well i realize that but i mean the relationship part. Anyone have any ideas why I feel so guilty even though I've never even considered cheating. Is it something underlying or just the anxiety talking?

03-25-2013, 02:30 PM
Guilt and anxiety very bad combination..!! If u never cheated on her, you got nothing to worry..it will go away. Stop feeling guilty for things that u haven't done.

03-25-2013, 05:10 PM
One thing that really gets to me about my anxiety is when it effects my relationship. I get random feelings of guilt around my gf and it makes things awkward while its happening. Then my anxiety combined with my INTP personality makes me completely over-analyze the situation. I start getting intrusive thoughts about how I hope she doesnt think im cheating on her and what is she thinking about and it spirals from there. I would NEVER do something like that but whenever i feel that it might be crossing my girlfriends mind i obsess over it and feel extremely guilty. Does anyone else experience this or have any thoughts?

Omg! I have this too, sometimes. I deal with these feelings even when I haven't done anything wrong. I feel guilty when someone discovers that someone might have stolen something out of her purse, and I was in the general area, feel guilty when a gas station clerk stares at me with a belief that I have taken something out of her store, also feel uneast when people discuss people who cheat around me, even though Ive never done so. Its as if I'm not trying to convince the person that Im not guilty, when I didnt even do it.
Maybe the real reason is a fear of what people are thinking about me. Does this sound familiar also?

03-25-2013, 05:13 PM
My boyfriend is just like you! He worries a lot about things he shouldn't and sometimes hyper-analyzes things! All I can say is try to relax and always always always be open in discussing this with your gf. :)