View Full Version : Problems taking medication

03-25-2013, 06:48 AM
Hi, first of all excuse me for my english. I wanna know if anyone here have problems taking medication, i have hemetophobia and the simple tought of trying to take a capsule make me go crazy (i think i am going to throw up because its too big) and it is like that since always, i already tried taking them but didnt worked... Right now i will have to take antibiotics that r huge... And i cant do it :( anyone with the same problem or with a solution?

03-25-2013, 11:18 AM
What med is it? If it's a benzo some can be prescribed in a oral disintegrating tablets like clonazepam, or liquid solutions like Ativan, valium or even Xanax. Regular Ativan and clonazepam tab will dissolved nicely under the tongue and will taste sweet.
If an ssri(celexa) some can be taken other ways(liquids) I think. Ask the doc or pharmacist. Alankay

03-25-2013, 11:26 AM
i have the exact issue as you. If meds are too big, i either chop them to 4 or 6 pieces or dissolve them (Make sure to ask if it can be split or dissolved) or i just tell the doc straight to the face, i cant swallow this, i will throw up. The doc will always give a smaller pill or.liquid form. I didnt know there is a name to this issue i have and ive always thought im a freak for being this way and im 32yrs of age.