View Full Version : Has anyone ever woke up your mouth wide open to breath.

03-24-2013, 09:14 PM
I feel very scared to go to sleep as I am afraid this will happen again tonight. I have a stuffy nose and sore throat. It felt very scary to wake up barely breathing out of my mouth. Please let me know if this has happened to you and what did you do about it? I hate sleeping because intake my medication at bedtime and it knocks me out. This leaves me feeling that I have no control all night !!! Yikes!!

03-24-2013, 09:54 PM
Its possible the meds you are taking shouldnt be combined and are there for causing respiratory problems. For instance combining trazodone, ambien, or klonopin with alcohol at any point in the day could cause you to stop breathing in your sleep. My doctor never told me that, my pharmacist did. Id check with them to see if there could be any problems with drug interaction. You could also have sleep apnea.

03-25-2013, 04:53 AM
Its possible the meds you are taking shouldnt be combined and are there for causing respiratory problems. For instance combining trazodone, ambien, or klonopin with alcohol at any point in the day could cause you to stop breathing in your sleep. My doctor never told me that, my pharmacist did. Id check with them to see if there could be any problems with drug interaction. You could also have sleep apnea.

Good advice here.....you really have to do your research about drugs or even foods that can haveinteractions with prescribed meds. Go to drugs.com and plug in everything u take there. It will tell you if there are any interactions.

Sleep apnea is also a thought as well. Has this issue just started since you started these meds? I would still run this situation by your doctor and see what they say.