View Full Version : Can anxiety causes dizziness kind of like the feeling of off-balance

03-24-2013, 11:37 AM
I keep feeling dizzy all through the day and almost as if I will pass out or fall over I don't know where or what to do is this Anxiety is there anyone else who feels this way too I can not shake this feeling.. I don't feel anxious I just feel dizzy on top of that my allergies are getting really bad... The dizziness has been like this for maybe a week but I have not passed out yet so I'm guessing it's anxiety but I'm not sure

03-24-2013, 12:03 PM
I keep feeling dizzy all through the day and almost as if I will pass out or fall over I don't know where or what to do is this Anxiety is there anyone else who feels this way too I can not shake this feeling.. I don't feel anxious I just feel dizzy on top of that my allergies are getting really bad... The dizziness has been like this for maybe a week but I have not passed out yet so I'm guessing it's anxiety but I'm not sure

I've been having this for the last few wks , I dnt feel anxious etc but I kan b at wk and feel like I'm bowt 2 fall over then that starts me off worrying and getting myself in a state

03-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Yeah that's how I feel like ten minutes after I wake up I start walking and I feel off balance and when I'm laying down I feel like a little dizzy as well I'm not sure what to do lol honestly if I pass out then ill know... Hahaha

03-24-2013, 12:25 PM
Yeah that's how I feel like ten minutes after I wake up I start walking and I feel off balance and when I'm laying down I feel like a little dizzy as well I'm not sure what to do lol honestly if I pass out then ill know... Hahaha

Looool... Yeah u will , but not til u cum round :-)
It's def not nice , yeah mine is an off balance feeling and just frightens me

03-24-2013, 01:41 PM
Yeah mine is like my head just wants to fall over or like idk dizzy haha... But I don't get it... If it is anxiety why is it different most times... And I do see on the symptoms list that dizzy is on there it just don't say how much

03-24-2013, 01:56 PM
Yeah mine is like my head just wants to fall over or like idk dizzy haha... But I don't get it... If it is anxiety why is it different most times... And I do see on the symptoms list that dizzy is on there it just don't say how much

True .... And I've had this symptom b4 but not as much as lately ... 2B honest my symptoms throughout the years have changed, sum stopped and sum new ones .. Had panic attacks frm age ov 11 then went into panic disorder which I only found out sum time bak as didn't knw there was a diff btwn the two so it was gd to knw as couldn't wrk out why I was getting all this extra stuff that wasn't part ov a general panic attack ..

P.s ... On this forum where it lists the topics , if they are highlighted blue what does that mean as at the mo none are highlighted ... Also , what's a thread and what's a stickie ? Not getting that :-/

03-24-2013, 03:48 PM
Thread is what we make stickies are important or other conversations that people thought was interesting and had it stickied like the symptoms list

03-24-2013, 03:54 PM
Oh , ok :-/

03-24-2013, 04:02 PM
Thread is what we make stickies are important or other conversations that people thought was interesting and had it stickied like the symptoms list

Think it's cuz I'm using the mobile app bu wen I've just looked at the forum on the web page it's completely diff !! And yeah , the stickies make more sense on there as I kan see them

03-24-2013, 07:12 PM
yeah well im not liking this feeling like when you stand up or something... or turn around it feels like your gonna just tip over

03-25-2013, 04:53 AM
Read my thread