View Full Version : Heart palps?!?!?

03-24-2013, 11:13 AM
Ok I've been on atenolol for year and a half. Very small side of 25mg per day. Since that time I have developed these strange heart palps where it seems to leave me gasping for air even though it don't, it's like a quick sensation that's makes it feel like my heart is shaking. Only lasts for a split second then it's gone. I'm worried the medicine is harming my heart. Pleases someone talk to me about this. Scares the daylight out if me!!!

03-24-2013, 11:22 AM
I've been to cardiologist many times and had the whole work up. Everyone gets heart palps. Just most people don't notice them. I get them too. Sometimes I notice them and sometimes i don't. They are harmless! Don't fret. This is actually one anxiety I overcame.

03-24-2013, 07:52 PM
Atenolol is prescribed for this very reason. Did u ever have them before? Why were u prescribed atenolol? BP or pulse ? My doc wants to put me on it because he said it will help with bp,pulse,heart palps,and anxiety. Haven't switched to it yet.

03-25-2013, 05:50 AM
I was never on any meds until my very 1st panic attack. My bp and heart rate was high be side of the panic attacks. Never had heart palps before. So that's why I'm so scared that its harming me!?!?????!!?

03-25-2013, 05:56 AM
I was never on any meds until my very 1st panic attack. My bp and heart rate was high be side of the panic attacks. Never had heart palps before. So that's why I'm so scared that its harming me!?!?????!!?

Let me correct that... My bp and heart rate was high because of the panic attacks

03-25-2013, 06:19 AM
My Doctor keeps telling me that my palps are not Dangerous. I wish I could believe him but my anxiety always gets the better if me and I convince myself that they must be harmful, it's getting to the stage where I think that my panic attacks will give me heart problems and I'm really worried. My palps can go on for a couple of hours and I'm constantly checking my pulse and bp :(

Anyone else ever feel like this ?

03-25-2013, 07:03 AM
My Doctor keeps telling me that my palps are not Dangerous. I wish I could believe him but my anxiety always gets the better if me and I convince myself that they must be harmful, it's getting to the stage where I think that my panic attacks will give me heart problems and I'm really worried. My palps can go on for a couple of hours and I'm constantly checking my pulse and bp :(

Anyone else ever feel like this ?

Same here. Doc says they are ok. I constantly check my pulse. It's my biggest trigger for panic attacks. I check my Bp too but try not to because it use to be my trigger but since its fine most of the time now it had shifted to my pulse.

03-25-2013, 01:39 PM
You are on medication, and you are experiencing symptoms of something that began since taking the medication. You need to tell your doctor this of course.

03-26-2013, 12:30 PM
I have he says all is well. But that doesn't make me feel any better

03-26-2013, 05:54 PM
I have he says all is well. But that doesn't make me feel any better

What you are saying is you are experiencing side effects of a medication that you take for anxiety, right? Then why don't you get off the medication, slowly of course, or simply change medication? Does everyone who has anxiety need to take Atenolol? Obviously not.

03-28-2013, 05:55 PM
Night before last I missed a dose, my nightly dose of 12.5mg which is extremely small. The next morning I got up and checked my bp and heart rate and they both were a lot higher than normal. Really freaked me out so of course it continued to climb. Doc says he feels I need to stay on it. I'm so overwhelmed I don't no what to do. This may not seem like a big deal to most but I can't deal with this well

03-28-2013, 05:57 PM
I'm actually on Ativan for anxiety. I'm on atenolol for high bp.

03-29-2013, 10:42 AM
My Doctor keeps telling me that my palps are not Dangerous. I wish I could believe him but my anxiety always gets the better if me and I convince myself that they must be harmful, it's getting to the stage where I think that my panic attacks will give me heart problems and I'm really worried. My palps can go on for a couple of hours and I'm constantly checking my pulse and bp :(

Anyone else ever feel like this ?

Oh I am so like this too its my biggest trigger have had a really bad couple of hours today where they're almost constant x