View Full Version : Please tell me it gets better

07-07-2007, 10:39 AM
HI everyone, I have had problems with anxiety for as long as I can remember, but I had my first panic attack when I was 19. My doctor put me on effexor and that helped reduce my anxiety a lot, but it never completely went away. I am about to turn 26, and the panic attacks have started to return. The last few months have been pretty stressful which Im sure has something to do with it, but now I can't seem to shake the thought that I am never going to be able to get over this problem and the thought of always feeling this way is horrible to me. I was hoping to hear from someone who has actually been able to beat this so at least I can know that it is possible. Also if anyone found certain things helpful I am willing to try almost anything to feel better. It at least helps to know that there are people like me out there. Thanks

07-08-2007, 11:06 PM
I've found that exercising helps a lot. I've started doing yoga and cardio or going for a fast walk when I feel anxious or start to have a panic attack. When you're exercising you can't focus on whatever's making you panic, so you can often stop the attack from happening. Exercise also creates endorphins, which help prevent and counteract the panic attack.

I swear, I feel so much less anxious since i've been exercising. I look forward to it now.

07-09-2007, 01:46 AM
Well adam i'm about the same age as you and just threw in my job on sat because of the anxiety i felt while working there (well teaching can be stressful at the best of times), i know how you feel. Will this go on forever?

It always pops into your head like a little demon, subconsciously, then feelings start to wash over you that are too powerful to control.

One thing thats helped me is the philosophy of 'so what' .... let me explain, you and i know both know that our reasons for the attacks are unreasonable like me for example i have attacks when a student is fumbling over a question or something. Now thats trivial isn't it and i've been through far worse episodes like that in my life but no panic. For me personally its more a case of revulsion and negativity that i feel and perceive in the world that brings on the attacks but i've decided 'so what!' .... so what! if he or she is negative. So what! if i have these feelings and by being brazen and disregarding the force of the attacks it helps a bit, of course medication is better to stop the onset of feelings but this is just a good philosophy to live with.

You and I Adam have so much life ahead of us, so much adventure, excitement so much beauty yet to perceive and enjoy that we're not going to let passing out, vomiting or paranoia get the better of us ..... if i pass out somewhere so what! i pass out then i'm going to stand up again, stand tall without fear or shame dust myself off and start again because life is too important .. you can do it, i know you can.

07-11-2007, 09:46 AM
Hey Adam I have been wondering the same things. As I am trying to do keep a positive attitude, exercising is a must no matter how bad you feel.
Remember this no one has ever gone crazy, died or anything like that with a panic attack so yes they feel horrible but thay will pass. Good Luck