View Full Version : Trying to get over it

03-23-2013, 10:38 PM
I've been dealing with some anxiety issues for about 5-6 months now. I've done some research and believe I might be experiencing GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). For the first two months, on and off, I just had a feeling . . . just the feeling that something was wrong, and was surrounded by anxious thoughts. Sometimes it was hard to sit still just because of my anxiousness. The third and fourth months my chest began to tighten on and off, and really scared me, as I have asthma and allergy issues. These last few months, however, my symptoms have resorted to itchy, tight scalp, tension in my neck, and over the past few days, I have noticed that there are small, almost unnoticeable spots in my vision, but they're annoying and frightening. The worst of it, though, is this feeling like I don't know myself. It feels silly to say as I write it, but I read another post that referenced "feeling like I no longer exist" and that is kind of what it feels like. It's awful. I have muscled through the physical symptoms but its really the thoughts that are getting to me.

I have no interest in getting on medication to stop anxiety, but are there any thoughts, breathing exercises, or even vitamin supplements that could help me get rid of this anxiety? I want to live in the moment and I tell myself every day that I will get through this, but its just hard. What can I do to get over this and should I be worried about my symptoms?

Thank you, this seems to be a close knit and helpful group and I think that its amazing what you do for each other.