View Full Version : Do you have problems concentrating because of your anxiety?

03-23-2013, 09:54 PM
A lot of the time I'm so self-conscious or worried about making a fool of myself in the middle of talking with someone that I can't focus 100% on what they're saying, or when I'm trying to concentrate on something my anxieties or just the energy drain on my brain from it makes it difficult. It's really one of the most frustrating things about my anxiety...feeling stupid or at least feeling like I'm not reaching a potential that I could.

Not talking about A.D.D here, btw....this has always been an anxiety related problem for me.

Do you ever have this problem?

03-25-2013, 04:56 AM
Yes. I hate it !!!! I have not been able to finish college Bcuz of this issue. I panic talking to ppl that I'm not comfortable w or that they don't know about my problem fearing to be embarrassed if I loose my thought etc.

03-25-2013, 05:45 AM
I hate this too! I end up saying something stupid cause my mind is not there and then I am embarassed and anxiety goes up!