View Full Version : I feel I may have anxiety?

03-23-2013, 07:31 PM
I feel like I may have anxiety. i know you're not doctors or anything but I felt like I should ask people who suffer from it before I go to my doctor. For quite a while now I have been having a constant uneasy feeling. I am very emotional and get angry easily. When I see people I know in public I get scared and want to leave immediately, even though I know they like me and we're friends. I feel like everyone is watching me all the time when I go to the store or out with my boyfriend. I get VERY VERY embarrassed over small things and really beat myself up over it even losing sleep because I'm dwelling on it, even though I'm very aware of how ridiculous I'm being. I have a speech class in college soon and get physically ill thinking about it. I didn't know where else to go. I also have some physical problems that have been unexplained by my doctor that happen especially in social situations (dizziness, light headed, increased heart rate, i passed out once). I don''t know if this is normal for being 17 but I just really don't feel right.
Thank you to anyone who responds. Sorry if I'm wrong or have posted in the wrong place and just being dumb.

03-23-2013, 07:38 PM
Have you talked to you parents about this? If you were one of my kids I would want to know so you can get the proper help. Try talking to your parents .

03-23-2013, 07:42 PM
Yeah I've been thinking about and probably will soon, I'm scared she'll just think I am stressed because of graduation and college. Thank you.

03-24-2013, 12:05 AM
chúc cả nhà một ngày vui vẻ .

03-24-2013, 02:12 AM
I feel like I may have anxiety. i know you're not doctors or anything but I felt like I should ask people who suffer from it before I go to my doctor. For quite a while now I have been having a constant uneasy feeling. I am very emotional and get angry easily. When I see people I know in public I get scared and want to leave immediately, even though I know they like me and we're friends. I feel like everyone is watching me all the time when I go to the store or out with my boyfriend. I get VERY VERY embarrassed over small things and really beat myself up over it even losing sleep because I'm dwelling on it, even though I'm very aware of how ridiculous I'm being. I have a speech class in college soon and get physically ill thinking about it. I didn't know where else to go. I also have some physical problems that have been unexplained by my doctor that happen especially in social situations (dizziness, light headed, increased heart rate, i passed out once). I don''t know if this is normal for being 17 but I just really don't feel right.
Thank you to anyone who responds. Sorry if I'm wrong or have posted in the wrong place and just being dumb.

Hgtfut22-I understand what you are saying the things and feeling you have described is the same feelings I get pretty much everyday, however you are young and getting ready to graduate and there are a lot of stress factors when dealing with life altering moments.
Please talk to your parents let them know you up understand you are stressed but that physically you are just not feeling 100% ask to see a doctor and tell the doctor what you feel they will be better to say yes you have developed anxiety and maybe able to give you something to get you through the stressful moments and then ween you off once things settle down.
The best thing you can do when you start to feel light headed or dizzy is deep breathing in the nose count to ten exhale from open mouth count to ten again do this a few times and repeat to yourself calm and relaxed.

Also in your spare time or before bed listen to meditation music or try some yoga, when you get up the next day you will feel refreshed and relaxed. Stay strong and positive and remember don't allow the things you cannot control consume your thoughts