View Full Version : Telling my Dr. Help please!

07-07-2007, 09:46 AM
I'm going to my dr. for a physical soon, and I wanted to ask and talk to him about my anxiety and such. Can he help me? Does he need like, a pyshcologist to tell him I really have it? Will he ask me questions about it to make sure I have it? I never went to him about it yet and I'm not sure what happens. I don't know if I want meds yet, because I'm scared of the side effects and of the withdrawl symptoms. I mean, usually I'm fine untill I have to be with people and if I'm traveling. I need it at other times too, but if I could get help for those two, I'd be happier. I'm scared to bring it up with him though. I don't know if I should even mention that sometimes I get very depressed, for no reason and how I just feel numb and nothing matters and I don't care about anyone. Sorry this is so long, I'm scared and nervous and I just wish... I didn't have to deal with this anymore. :?


07-08-2007, 06:27 PM
You can certainly tell your doctor about your anxiety. But he is going to straight up give you a presciption for antidepressants if you do. Besides maybe recommending a therapist, this is all he CAN do. The BIG problem with taking these meds is that they don't start working for a couple of weeks. Therefore, taking these meds is a full-time deal. This means potentially putting up with unpleasant sde effects on a full time basis AND possibly develping a dependency that could be hard to break. To make matters worse, the meds might not even help you much. You REALLY need to think before taking this stuff.

Possiby a better alternative would be to see a therapist. Therapy generally gives better and more lasting results than meds. You also won't experience side effects or become dependent. The rub? It's just hard to find a good therapist. Many just don't have a clue about anxiety. You may actually end up having to see several before finding one that is right for you.

Meanwhile, you might actually purposely go out there and try doing those things that make you uncomfortable. Start small at first if you experience too much distress (but expect some). Often, the key to getting better is to do what you DON'T want to do.

07-08-2007, 10:51 PM
You should tell him! I've got a physical this month too with a new Dr but I also have an appt with a "behavioral health" group at the same clinic. You meet initially with a psychiatrist to talk about your medication plan, what you want to do with regards to meds, what you're taking currently, if anything. I've been just getting my antidepressants from my primary care doctor (different ones) for years now. That's why I made this appt, I may very well need things adjusted, I think it's important to touch base with someone about your meds once in awhile.