View Full Version : Embarrassed

03-23-2013, 10:48 AM
Anyone else on here feel a little embarrassed been on here ?( I knw it's by choice ) It makes me think ov them places u go , sit in a circle and say " my name is .... And I suffer wid .....
It's like it's ok , accepted etc ... Don't knw how to explain 😕

03-23-2013, 01:18 PM
Theres no need to be embarrassed, everyone is here for the same reason, they need someone to talk to and have accepted they have, might have or have had a problem which has effected their lives . Unlike group therapy no one needs to know who you really are, unless you want to open up to someone. You participate as much or as little you like with no judgement from people.

Don't know if that helps

03-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Theres no need to be embarrassed, everyone is here for the same reason, they need someone to talk to and have accepted they have, might have or have had a problem which has effected their lives . Unlike group therapy no one needs to know who you really are, unless you want to open up to someone. You participate as much or as little you like with no judgement from people.

Don't know if that helps

Isn't it tho saying and accepting u hav issues and we can't really help anyone cuz we seem pretty much all da same ... Mayb cuz I've never actually met anyone who suffers frm anxiety / panic etc so 2b honest ... All this on here is very new 2 me

03-23-2013, 01:42 PM
Locksey I felt the same when I first came here

Everyone here is so helpful & give out some brilliant advice

It's a good place to vent any feelings you have that you don't want to share with anyone else, were all strangers at the end of day so isn't going to affect your life hugely but we've all experienced similar problems & now want to help others

Hope this helps

03-23-2013, 01:51 PM
Locksey I felt the same when I first came here

Everyone here is so helpful & give out some brilliant advice

It's a good place to vent any feelings you have that you don't want to share with anyone else, were all strangers at the end of day so isn't going to affect your life hugely but we've all experienced similar problems & now want to help others

Hope this helps

K ... Thanx :-)