View Full Version : broken

03-23-2013, 02:48 AM
I really feel like I'm broken sometimes, I mean I can't really enjoy life as I am right now. With the constant fear of death and every little pain or weird feeling in my body making me think the worst is happening. I've "lived" the past eleven years with these fears and panic attacks and sometimes it just doesn't seem like it will get any better. I wish so much that I could just be "normal" again and actually live and enjoy my life. Sorry for the rambling I'm sure I'm just having a moment.

03-23-2013, 02:54 AM
Hi, are u on medication at all ?!

03-23-2013, 03:04 AM
No, unfortunately that is another of my many fears, I'm afraid to take any medicine because I'm afraid I will be in the small percent that has an allergic reaction to it. I know that's pretty crazy. Sorry for venting I'm sure that looked like total nutso rambling.

03-23-2013, 03:31 AM
No, unfortunately that is another of my many fears, I'm afraid to take any medicine because I'm afraid I will be in the small percent that has an allergic reaction to it. I know that's pretty crazy. Sorry for venting I'm sure that looked like total nutso rambling.

Yeah I'm like that , even having an injection to go abroad or sumink , I think " what if I'm allergic to it ( silly I knw ). Or what if the nurse hasn't checked the label and is giving me sumink else

The mind can b a horrible thing :-/

03-23-2013, 03:38 AM
Yes it is awful! I'm to the point where I only take medicines I have had before and that's aleve once a month(I'm a girl soooo not to be crude but...yeah) and I take robotussin when I have a cold and I absolutely feel like I have to because I can't sleep due to coughing or congestion, even then I sometimes have to work myself up to take the medicine because I will think crazy things like what if they had a problem at the manufacturer and this is a bad batch or what if they changed the formula and now it has something in it I'm going to be allergic to...it is all a bit intense.

03-23-2013, 05:04 AM
Yes it is awful! I'm to the point where I only take medicines I have had before and that's aleve once a month(I'm a girl soooo not to be crude but...yeah) and I take robotussin when I have a cold and I absolutely feel like I have to because I can't sleep due to coughing or congestion, even then I sometimes have to work myself up to take the medicine because I will think crazy things like what if they had a problem at the manufacturer and this is a bad batch or what if they changed the formula and now it has something in it I'm going to be allergic to...it is all a bit intense.

Oh my goodness .... I seriously thought I literally was the only person who had all these weird thoughts ... I knw everyone has thoughts etc but biz mine just don't make sense I really didn't think anyone else wud be like that

03-24-2013, 05:56 AM
Yes it is awful! I'm to the point where I only take medicines I have had before and that's aleve once a month(I'm a girl soooo not to be crude but...yeah) and I take robotussin when I have a cold and I absolutely feel like I have to because I can't sleep due to coughing or congestion, even then I sometimes have to work myself up to take the medicine because I will think crazy things like what if they had a problem at the manufacturer and this is a bad batch or what if they changed the formula and now it has something in it I'm going to be allergic to...it is all a bit intense.

I fret taking 1 plain panadol the weakest on the market. I used to take 3 or 4 nurofen plus at a time which are much stronger. Now u take a panadol for my constant headaches & freak out that im going to die even though ive taken it plenty of times previous to feeling like this. I am looking into anti depressant medication & i know ill be scared but i need to do it. Im here for u if u do decide to take meds as we will be in the same boat !