View Full Version : Oh my godddd

03-22-2013, 03:11 PM
I was doing so much better, and I'm on a health retreat atm. Today, on my last day here, I started having panic attacks literally every hour or less. It started as soon as I woke up. I don't know what's going on with me or why this is happening, because I have nothing to worry about. I just got a massage and acupuncture! Before this I was having about 2 attacks a day. I don't know how to calm myself down enough to stop having panic attacks literally every time I move. Advice?

03-22-2013, 03:24 PM
Hey :)

I have been having panic attacks lately that have blown me out of the water! There really bad, I will get them because I'm convincing myself I have an extremely sinister illness... Last Saturday, I was in bed and out of no where this full blown panic attack hit me because I started recognizing symptoms of the worst! I jumped out of my bed (at 3:00am in the morning, on a work night!) & passed across my landing like a madman, hands across my mouth thinking I was going to die, hand on my heart feeling my pulse in-case I start feeling faint... Yeah I know how they feel!

One thing I did notice though, My 'health anxiety' related panic attacks are a lot more worse when I've read the news. This is because I try and purposely steer my vision away from any headlines relating to emotional, family ruining illness that I can't bare to even look at. I have come to the conclusion that my subconscious-self does actually see this and throws it back at me when I am not expecting it, thus, having a full-scale heart tearing panic attack!

Do you have any clues as to what might be triggering them? Diet? Songs? Family matter you haven't approached and purposely ignored? These are the most common GAD problems, along with HA.

Look up a health product called 'Flaxseed' oil. I have been taking this for the past 14 days & have noticed an extreme difference in my muscle tension, stomach processing and stress levels. It's incredible! Also has some amazing health benefits too :).


03-23-2013, 08:24 AM
Thank you Tom! The problem is that nothing really triggers them except for being afraid of the attacks themselves. And it's difficult to stop worrying because the attacks are scary! I'm on lots of vitamins and stuff, including flaxseed oil. It used to help..