View Full Version : Returning to vent...

03-22-2013, 12:06 AM
I've posted on here before, and it helped a little...but I stopped because I thought I was doing ok. Thought is the key word I guess.

I started "googling" again because my body, health hypochondria has been acting up after a period of calming down. It's frustrating because it seems as if my focus transfers from one body part to another. I just want to live my life, not spend it worried about "the end." It's making me angry. I feel as if I've wasted enough years doing this to myself. But my therapist says not to think of it that way.

My tailbone and lower back have been burning and hurting for the past few days. Also my ass hurts. TMI?

My stomach hurts off and on as well. Last week I was focused on my heartburn, so who knows...

It's bothering me, because I'd be able to just deal with the uncomfortable feeling if I wasn't so obsessed with what the underlying cause could be.


But I'm afraid to attribute it to anxiety (which by now I know to be true) because what if? What if all my years of my body crying wolf causes me miss when the wolf is staring me in the face that one time I chose to ignore it.

I left my downward spiral off at googling colon cancer. So this is my new fear. Great.

I cannot, cannot live this way anymore.

Stupid tailbone.

I know eating healthier and working out will help this but I wish I had the overnight answer.

Sorry for the long ramble- but writing this out keeps me from going down an Internet black hole of diagnosing.


03-22-2013, 12:16 AM
Hey girl! :) I have thee same hypochondria. Currently I'm fretting over my head. I always thing I have some big brain problem! I have a psychiatrist apt. You may want to make one too. :( but I think your health is fine:)

03-22-2013, 12:37 AM
I cannot, cannot live this way anymore.


Feel better.

03-22-2013, 12:49 AM
Thanks. I'm in therapy, CBT, which has really made a difference. But I can't help but be scared. I just want one day where my body is pain free and I feel ok. Death is my ultimate fear.

This recent bout started when I saw in the news about Valerie Harper, Rhoda, and her diagnosis. My head started to hurt, then it moved on to heartburn and my fear regarding my esophagus, now it's my lower back, abs, and my general lower region. All it takes for me is one article, news report, FB post regarding death, dying, health etc and I am off. It was really bad a few months ago, now I've fallen off the wagon so to speak. I work in a freelance industry, and I'm unemployed again after weeks of working. I know deep down there is a correlation. I am not the kind of person that should have too much time with their own thoughts.

03-22-2013, 01:17 AM
We are so much alike. It's crazy!!!! I felt the same way when Valerie was diagnosed! I felt like I needed a brain scan stat!!!! We are such worry worts!!!!! I'm on medicine that doesn't let me drown in thoughts! Which helps!:):)

03-22-2013, 01:22 AM
I kinda have to scrounge up will power to ask myself " what are the odds I have this condition?!" And " if I do have it, what on earth could I do about it." Anxiety is a pain in the ass! But try to think logically and don't let it over take you! And it's easier Said than done, If anyone knows that, it's me!! I have spells here and there! But of you work at it, it will get easier!!!;) I promise!

03-22-2013, 01:27 AM
Staying connected to this forum helps me the best! There's always someone to help you calm down!:)