View Full Version : Self esteme spending

03-21-2013, 11:17 PM
Does anyone have a problem when your self esteem is low you spend money on things to make yourself feel better?

03-22-2013, 05:03 PM
thats how i am i have a ton of jewelry watches chains and expensive gifts or things i worked for.

03-22-2013, 05:46 PM
Yup! Handbags are my drug of choice

03-22-2013, 05:58 PM
I'm really bad about buying books and video games when I'm feeling really down on myself which always makes me feel worse because I feel like there's something wrong with me as a person when I spend way more money than I can afford.

03-22-2013, 08:41 PM
Bags and clothes, here....

03-23-2013, 02:55 AM

I have had to put a ban on buying clothes for a while because I just spend so much money on them I can even stand to think about how much of my salary goes on them. Probably about the same as my mortgage! For real. I have over a hundred shoes and at least a dozen pairs of jeans - many pairs are exactly the freaking same and I still feel better when I buy something.

It soothes me for some reason.

I also buy things like earrings (I have stretched ears and love the jewelry that you can get for them, but because I have worked up to 6mm, I probably have about 40 pairs from 3mm up!), bags, books, CDs/albums, stuff for my pets, stuff for my partner - the list is endless.

I even food shop like I'm freaking high. I go in to buy a couple of things and end up spending at least a hundred bucks every time. And if I can't get to the shops, I go on eBay.

I was proud of myself this week because I racked up a $300 cart at Victoria's Secret and then I realised I didn't have the money (or much left on the credit card) and I just told myself NO and closed the browser. That rarely ever happens.

04-11-2013, 06:04 PM
tgats gotta be really hard to do. i cane from a low income family so a paycheck to me is like gold. and buying whatever i want is ever more if a reward.

04-12-2013, 12:06 AM
Omg... Yes. I grew up low income and in my early 20s began making good money ... In the entertainment field... Modeling, acting.. Waitress. Lol. Always wanted nice things and began getting nice things. I find now when my household income is descent in binge shop and loveeeeee EBay and discount designer stores. I love designer and what is in. If I have the cash it goes fast on: Beauty products, shoes, clothes, and jewelry. And birthdays and Christmas is just an excuse to buy myself gifts as well. When I have anxiety ?? ( I have PD, GAD and OCD. ) I impulse shop and shop expensive. Shhhhh don't tell my husband. If he knew what I spent on some of my belongings? He would FLIP! I'm sure my expensive taste comes down to what I didn't have as a child, feeding a self esteem need, OCD and ok being stylish ?? Good taste... I will convince myself that. :)