View Full Version : Thought I was through the worse

03-21-2013, 09:29 PM
Hello, I'm new here. I've been dealing with anxiety for about a year now. I've never really spoken about it to anyone, so this forum is like a blessing. (And the people who I talked to blew it off.) I'm a teenager, 18 to be exact. Since I was young, I've always been a bit nervous about things. I would be scared of not being able to breathe, choking, vomiting, and such. It wasn't that bad then, I only have one panic attack and it went away since then.

Last year, it came back up. The trigger was reading about a college student who died from a blood clot. I felt like I couldn't breathe and that the walls were closing in on me. I begin to question, "what if that happens to me?" The thought bothered me so, my heart started to beat like crazy and I could barely speak. I was able to wake up my mom, and she called 911. She stayed with me until it stopped, before they arrived. They checked me out, asked me if I had any experience with this before, and said I was okay to go. They just told me to check with my doctor. It took me a bit to calm down that night, but I fell asleep.

I was fine after that, no thoughts of blood clots or anything. Went on life normally until....I took a plane ride. I felt the same feelings I felt before, but I was able to keep it more in check. My stomach hurt, I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was going to die. Numerous scenarios have run through my mind on how the plane could crash, etc. I got through the ride alright though, just exhausted from dealing with anxiety. Later I had another panic attack, when we crossed through a "bad" neighborhood. It took a long time to calm down, and I felt as if I wasn't myself.

Returning home wasn't a problem, the flight wasn't as bad. However, a month later I was under great stress at home, and developed chest pain. This pain carried on throughout the day, I felt as if I had a blood clot, or that something was wrong with my heart. Apparently it was neither, as it was diagnosed as chest wall inflammation. I was given an EKG and ECG and they said my heart was completely healthy. I was relieved, and my symptoms faded. However, it wasn't long before I had another minor symptom and looked it up online. Therefore I became more and more obsessed with my health symptoms. This was the worst part of the anxiety.

I began to experience numerous symptoms, it was like a living nightmare. I lost a lot of sleep, I felt as if I weren't in my body, my eyes felt numb, everything seemed so bright, I thought I was going to die throughout the day. I had nightmares as I slept, I experienced numerous pains across my body, I felt as if I were losing it. Somehow, I managed to survive through that streak. My friend helped comfort me, along with my mother, and I started to feel better. My anxiety came in waves, I would have a high tension state, which is when I would face an anxiety trigger. Then there's the calming down state; my body would feel tense and anxious but I wouldn't be in full out panic attack mode. Last is the neutral state, where I feel normal, and calm.

It hasn't been that bad recently, I felt as if I was getting better...but then something happened. Recently, I was jokingly called gay. This has provoked confusing thoughts in my head, doubts. I am a straight male, have always been a straight male, and wish to remain a straight male. I don't understand what's going on, why would this happen suddenly? I am currently in love with a female, and I have never felt such attraction; sexual or emotional towards another man. I'm scared of losing the love I have, and becoming gay. I want to keep liking women, not guys. It didn't help that a male friend confessed his feelings to me recently, I didn't know how to react, I've been keeping my distance for the time. I'm more concerned about my sexuality now, and I've never questioned it before...so I ask you all for help, what should I do?

Thank you guys for hearing me out, I just don't know what to do, and I don't know who to turn to.

03-22-2013, 05:56 AM
Well hell. It's all anxiety. Let me end this now if you read and understand. :) If and when you sexually climax you either are with or female or fantasize about a female and it feels easy, natural and pleasureFUL:) then....................you are........ straight. YOU JUST ARE.
Many of us have feared this kind of thing(via suggestion, etc) but I can tell you from time to time anxiety will morph abit. You may be anxious about this or that, etc. Get used to anxiety's little game. Be wise to it and just know anxiety is worry about this, that, the other could be health in general one day, something else the next the back to the other. It's anxiety first last and always and all these thoughts are just a symptom. You are not gay...you are.................abit anxious and that's all. I went through this too and just realized with the help of my pdoc that it's just anxiety and not the "fear of the month" that is real. Your just anxious.....not gay. Not sick....just anxious. Now it's not easy but become a student of how anxiety works and realize this is how anxiety....well.....tortures/distresses us abit. Be well and don't forget to check out the babes! It's your natural duty!:) Alankay

03-22-2013, 06:14 PM
Thank you so much for replying. I thought I had anxiety figured out, but this happened to pop up. I wish I had a doctor to discuss things like this with...when I think about it logically it doesn't make sense that I would start liking guys randomly, when I've never felt attraction to them before. Maybe it's because I've never been the guy to go crazy over girls, it's always been more emotional than physical with me. Thank you for reassuring me though, I feel better.