View Full Version : Thought I was doing better....

03-21-2013, 03:47 PM
Thought I was doing so much better over the last few days. And apparently while I am doing better am not immune to the anxiety still. On lunch I rushed through the grocery store and felt my face tingling and ignored it and just kept going going going, rushed home, got the groceries put away rushed back to work, got back to my desk and anxiety hit full force.

It wasn't a fear of dying this time (I have been working on those fears and thought processes quite a bit the last few days) just the physical sensations that really really bother me. The face tingling, lump in the throat, can't breathe, chills and hot flashes, racing heart, sweaty palms, etc. I unfortunately had to take my last half of a klonopin and I'm not going back to the dr. until April 6th after my benefits kick in. I am trying to stay calm and tell myself I will be fine, I don't need a pill I will make it.

Plus I do have vistaril until my appt. but those are not as effective for me, I guess they will do in a pinch though, I can probably take more if I need to?? I didn't expect this I thought I was doing better but I guess two days of doing better does not a recovery make. I don't know why it happened, unless it was just because I was in the store. Very disheartening.

I also feel shaky and still can feel the symptoms of the anxiety. I really really thought I was getting better. Its so hard to talk myself down in the moment though. Trying to just focus on some reports and get my job done and not let anyone see. Very stressed.

03-21-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi Klewis

I feel for you. I haven't had a panic attack for almost 6 yrs then last Sept I changed job and it was very stressful . I got dizzy at work and since then I don't want to go to work. I started taking Zoloft after 2 mos started feeling better. Started socializing and sleeping good then January I started having panic attack again and dizzy spells. Yesterday I felt so good then this morning on my way to work started feeling really anxious for no reason. Got to my desk so shaky good thing I have Xanax with me but then still feeling the after shock symptoms ended up going home early. So tired. I think it's our subconscious mind telling us something is wrong even though there is nothing wrong

03-22-2013, 09:38 AM
I am on zoloft right now too! My sliding scale thing just expired because I got a raise and so now just waiting for benefits to kick in. I will be happy to go to the doctor again, and I have an appoint with a pdoc as well. Hopefully they will give me more klonopin, my primary care doc is worried about dependence but it works!! gahh. Your right, I just wish I knew how to shut the subconscious mind off!! Its annoying. I felt better after I went home and put on some relaxing music and just relaxed for a while but that was really scary that happened to me yesterday at work, I hate it!! How do you handle the not wanting to go to work Malyn? Do you just have your xanax on hand when you go to work or just push through it? I feel that sometimes its like I literally have to force myself to come here, even though my job is not bad at all!