View Full Version : Constantly tired/ lethargic/ sad

03-21-2013, 01:57 PM
My anxiety keeps me up late almost every night, and on the rare occasion that I do fall asleep before 2am, I generally wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep for hours. I am constantly on the verge of crying for no good reason. I am tired 24/7, and generally don't feel like doing anything but laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. This is extremely wearing on my boyfriend whom I live with. I am very concerned that someday he's going to get fed up with my constant negative mood and general lethargy and leave me.
I haven't sought any sort of treatment- be it therapy, or talking to a regular doctor. I have pretty severe social anxiety, and the thought of it sounds terrifying.
Also, I'm on my mom's insurance and don't have the funds to pay for doctors visits/medication/therapy by myself. I've tried to talk to my mom about my anxiety and depression, but I don't think she realizes the severity of my situation. Every time I've tried to bring it up, she just tells me that I'm shy and that I need to force myself to "be more outgoing, and break out of my shell". It's incredibly frustrating that she refuses to acknowledge that anxiety and depression are legitimate disorders. She feels as though I'm inflicting this mental anguish on myself and I should just be able to control it or turn it off somehow.
I have tried meditation and yoga, and a few other homeopathic remedies for anxiety, but nothing seems to be helping. I can't bear the thought that this might be something I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. It makes waking up and going on with my life so incredibly difficult on a daily basis. I just don't know what to do.

03-21-2013, 02:09 PM
You described exactly the way I feel. My anxiety made me tired all the time and I just wanted to lay in bed. I weighed my options regarding medication and withdrawal effects and decided to try Paxil. It was a life changer. Talk to your doctor about it. Don't worry (lol) about being anxious with your doctor. The doc will see it and get a better feeling for how you feel. And the fact that you talked to your mom about it is already a huge step. Keep on her, maybe she'll start to get it.