View Full Version : The Truth About Anxiety

07-06-2007, 12:14 PM
OK so you all think your gonna say something dumb right? Then embaress yourself and start blushing? Well guess what? It happens because its in your thoughts. I just figured that out. I don't socialize at school because I was afraid of what people thought about me(still am a little) well now I don't need to worry. Because I have those thoughts in my head over and over thats why it actually happens in real life. Lets say someone calls me up to say something and I start blushing. I start blushing because Im always thinking about it. Also because I don't go out of the house.

08-13-2007, 07:32 AM
Right,I think that's how it works!Don't you feel really strong some days that you can do everything,but you still don't do what scares you?!ANd actually you don't know where that strong feeling comes.
You think about what worries you most (I try to predict every situation and every question and stuff)and you think about that you'll have a really bad time,so you avoid it,even if maybe your able to face it.It's like you get used to the thought so much that some part in your head convinces you that's true,and you give up,even if deep inside you know you can face it.ANd staying at home the hole time,personally provokes me little "shocks"(a little exagerated),coz I compare every aspect of me and my life with others.It's like I feel open minded when I'm thinking things to myself,but while I'm between people it's like:"No,you're so close-minded!"
I don't know if you say it this way.

08-15-2007, 10:37 PM
I understand this. I'm very aware that my social anxiety and fears that go along with it are very irrational. But this awareness doesn't make me able to change. I can't retrain my way of thinking, even if I really do try...because I'm always pulled back down by the SA. It's as though it's out of my hands. It's not that there isn't a will to shake it or an effort or an extreme ache to not be this way, but it's as though my arms and legs (so to speak) have been tied or crippled. And that's what sucks...