View Full Version : Worries and post-traumatic memories

03-20-2013, 09:28 PM
First time posting. I have GAD and the combination of starting to go to church and seeing a therapist helped me a lot. I stopped the therapy just under a year because we couldn't come up with anything else to discuss.
Well now a few months later my worrying has increased again, about having no strong friendships and never dating mostly. And random negative memories that can occur anytime during the day. I wish I could bleach those negative memories out of my head and get rid of them. It's starting to get miserable being worried and mad all the time. My family says change your thinking but I have tried but I can't keep the negative away. I dunno if more therapy is my next step (avoiding meds, have tried herbal reminders ), need options outside my family ..........

03-20-2013, 10:55 PM
First time posting. I have GAD and the combination of starting to go to church and seeing a therapist helped me a lot. I stopped the therapy just under a year because we couldn't come up with anything else to discuss.
Well now a few months later my worrying has increased again, about having no strong friendships and never dating mostly. And random negative memories that can occur anytime during the day. I wish I could bleach those negative memories out of my head and get rid of them. It's starting to get miserable being worried and mad all the time. My family says change your thinking but I have tried but I can't keep the negative away. I dunno if more therapy is my next step (avoiding meds, have tried herbal reminders ), need options outside my family ..........

Hi and Welcome, Sorry your having a hard time!! Maybe you should see your doctor again and try some kind of medication,cbt ect. Also dont let your family pull you down because that will only make your anxiety even worse than it already is! Ive been suffering gad,social phobia ect for 26long yrs and my family are the same with me. People that dont suffer dont understand and alot of ppl dont want to understand! Anyway if you ever need to talk PM me ok. Take care.....Beverley 😀