View Full Version : Anxiety before bed

03-20-2013, 04:59 PM
Plz help!!!! Crazy thoughts of worry, doubt,fear and bad mistakes from my past...not to mention constant worry about what people say or think of me, the lies they tell...constantly keep my mind spinning every night and usually takes me 3hours of laying in bed starring at ceiling to go to sleep. This sucks it's every night. Please give advice on how to put end to this!!!!!

03-20-2013, 05:03 PM
Why do you care what others say?? They will have on opinion either way. I wish i knew, i feel some of that stuff too. The only think that matters to me, is my family. If they don't get affected its perfectly fine with me. Who likes me for who i am, thank u very much...who doesn't..still thank u very much!! Lol

03-20-2013, 08:20 PM
I listen to a comedy talk radio show every night as I fall asleep it just helps take the focus of my thoughts. I know it's not a great habit to fall asleep with outside stimulus but the silence keeps me awake. Maybe try something like that or calming music. Best of luck to you!

03-20-2013, 08:25 PM
Try watching/listening to asmr videos on YouTube. They work wonders!