View Full Version : Flying Issues

03-20-2013, 08:40 AM
Here we go again, I have a flight in about two weeks and I'm scared already. Last time I flew home right before hurricane Sandy hit the East coast of the US, and it was the absolute worst flight i had ever been on. It was like a roller coaster. Initally when we landed, I felt a sense of accomplishment, like I was able to make it through such a scary situation and be ok. Now that I have to fly again, even though its just a short 2 HR flight, I am worried all over again.
I do have my xanax, that I will have to take before my flight, but does anyone have any tricks that work to calm them down before a flight?

03-20-2013, 09:43 AM
I feel your pain, i recently had a flight to take ans was dreading it! to keep me distracted during the flight I downloaded a couple of tv programmes onto my phone that would last the duration of the flight. I sat in an aisle seat and survived the flight. Good luck x

03-20-2013, 10:01 AM
I used to get real anxious before I would fly for about 2 weeks.

Funny that once I was in the air I was fine because I figured I truly was out of control of the situation.

03-20-2013, 12:16 PM
Yes. I just acknowledge to myself it's mostly anticipatory anxiety and although I'm anxious just "med up"(valium) and try to stay distracted by talking if I can, examining the aircraft(I used to fly lil' Cessna's and love aircraft), etc. Really this is common and Xanax is particularly effective for this use. It's potency, short half life and rapid onset on action are just what's needed for the truly anxious/panicky traveler. I bet their will be a few others on the plane in the same boat(bad anxiety on planes, agoraphobia, etc,). Plus I just concentrate on the destination. Sorry and wish I had more or better advise. Alankay

Amy Goodrich
03-20-2013, 02:05 PM
I put up some music so I actually don't hear I'm in a plane anymore. Then a few drinks which go to your head so quickly at altitude and my fear just melts away. I also just have the anxiety about a week before I have to go.

04-01-2013, 04:43 PM
Tomorrow is the flight. I'm freaking out. Help!!!!!!!!! I almost feel like I can't do it.

04-01-2013, 04:48 PM
Yes. I just acknowledge to myself it's mostly anticipatory anxiety and although I'm anxious just "med up"(valium) and try to stay distracted by talking if I can, examining the aircraft(I used to fly lil' Cessna's and love aircraft), etc. Really this is common and Xanax is particularly effective for this use. It's potency, short half life and rapid onset on action are just what's needed for the truly anxious/panicky traveler. I bet their will be a few others on the plane in the same boat(bad anxiety on planes, agoraphobia, etc,). Plus I just concentrate on the destination. Sorry and wish I had more or better advise. Alankay

I do have my xanax (thank goodness).I will definitely take it before I get on the plane. It takes a bit of edge off, but I still feel the fear somewhat. I'm just feeling kinda sick now, I'm sure its anxiety.....
I don't drink, but I guess I just want to learn to feel comfortable with flying.

04-01-2013, 05:03 PM
I never had a problem flying up until the sudden onset of anxiety/panic in February. The flight from Boston to Las Vegas (and back) was sheer hell - no joke. Nothing sucks more than 4 hours and 45 minutes of panic.

Sorry, this isn't helpful, I just chimed in because I can absolutely relate - something which I couldn't 3 months ago.

04-01-2013, 06:43 PM
Maybe you need to take a little extra Xanax than usual. If its doing its job you should be plenty fine on that airplane.

04-01-2013, 08:46 PM
Maybe you need to take a little extra Xanax than usual. If its doing its job you should be plenty fine on that airplane.

Thanks so much....maybe I will try a little more, although I do still have to be awake and alert as I will have my kiddos with me. We will see how it goes!!!!!

04-01-2013, 08:48 PM
I never had a problem flying up until the sudden onset of anxiety/panic in February. The flight from Boston to Las Vegas (and back) was sheer hell - no joke. Nothing sucks more than 4 hours and 45 minutes of panic.

Sorry, this isn't helpful, I just chimed in because I can absolutely relate - something which I couldn't 3 months ago.

Sheesh, tell me about it. This particular anxiety I've had since I was quite young, and although I continue to fly, it never gets easier. I try to put on a brave face for my kids, but on the inside, I'm freaking out.

04-01-2013, 09:30 PM
Make sure you get an aisle seat....it helps to feel not so confined. Good luck!

04-01-2013, 10:04 PM
Remember this:

Turbulence is normal and expected. When they built the aircraft. they built it to withstand tremendous amount of turbulence. Sometimes planes get struck by lightning and nothing happens. So when you are rocking and rolling in the air thinking your going down, remember it is a normal part of flying and the engineers expected this to happen when they designed the airplane. Also know turbulence can't bring down a jet. Its like a boat bobbing up and down from currents, but instead of water they are air waves. The wings won't snap off, the plane won't blow up or break into pieces, from turbulence, no matter how bumpy it is.

There are some fear of flying hypnotherapy CDs you can get. I am sure you can download it. Glenn Harrold has one here: http://www.hypnosisaudio.com/product/overcome-the-fear-of-flying-352

You can listen to it days or weeks before a flight to prepare and then on the plane as well. Also there are websites geared to prepare people with fear of flying for their flights. A long time ago I did the course on this website. It has cool pictures and stuff to help ease your fears. See if you can find it. And remember, no amount of Xanax makes anything safer. Just makes you feel calmer. Remember, the pilot and fligh attendants take hundreds and hundreds of flights and couldn't give a crap how bumpy the flight is or ever feel fear about it.

Have a nice flight!

04-08-2013, 06:58 PM
Remember this:

Turbulence is normal and expected. When they built the aircraft. they built it to withstand tremendous amount of turbulence. Sometimes planes get struck by lightning and nothing happens. So when you are rocking and rolling in the air thinking your going down, remember it is a normal part of flying and the engineers expected this to happen when they designed the airplane. Also know turbulence can't bring down a jet. Its like a boat bobbing up and down from currents, but instead of water they are air waves. The wings won't snap off, the plane won't blow up or break into pieces, from turbulence, no matter how bumpy it is.

There are some fear of flying hypnotherapy CDs you can get. I am sure you can download it. Glenn Harrold has one here: http://www.hypnosisaudio.com/product/overcome-the-fear-of-flying-352

You can listen to it days or weeks before a flight to prepare and then on the plane as well. Also there are websites geared to prepare people with fear of flying for their flights. A long time ago I did the course on this website. It has cool pictures and stuff to help ease your fears. See if you can find it. And remember, no amount of Xanax makes anything safer. Just makes you feel calmer. Remember, the pilot and fligh attendants take hundreds and hundreds of flights and couldn't give a crap how bumpy the flight is or ever feel fear about it.

Have a nice flight!

I made it!!!!!! There and back. The flight down was a little (ok, majorly) turbulent on the landing, but I made it!!!!!!

04-09-2013, 02:36 AM
Well done!