View Full Version : New member...need some help...

03-19-2013, 10:52 PM
Hey everyone. I've been suffering from daily general anxiety since my first panic attack 2 years ago. It's recently ramped up over the last couple months to the point where I can't do anything without considering my anxiety and how it will effect the activity...

The weird part is I haven't had a panic attack since the first...it was so bad and so frightening my two years of anxiety is simply based off the fear...of anxiety.

I'm constantly saying to myself "what would happen if I have an anxiety attack in x situation" which just ramps up the anxiety even more. It's this constant nervous feeling in my stomach.

I work in a business that clears contents from estates. On Thursday I have to go out of town for multiple pickups. These will be situations in which I'm in a condo...with my boss...and the client...meeting with them taking a tour packing items etc. I'm starting to really become concerned that in a situation like that I'm gonna panic and have to run out or something...it's really stressing me out I'm dreading having to go...

I've done plenty of these in the past but this feeling of situational anxiety is something fairly new and knowing I can't leave and that this is a serious matter that involves my lively hood is making it so much worse. I need some advice please I'm gonna lose it...

I'm not on any medication just l theanine (I don't have health insurance)

03-19-2013, 11:18 PM
I have had panic attacks in situations where it would be unwise to take flight and I have forced myself to wait it out because I felt I had no other option. After the actual panic attack subsides and you realize that you are still alive you will be proud of yourself for sticking it out. Try not to think of the consequences of running out, try to focus on the benefits of staying and riding out your panic attack. I'm not sure if this will help at all, just wanted to try.

03-19-2013, 11:20 PM
Hearing any feedback helps thank you. It's hard for people to understand why a healthy 25 year old guy would have this problem and so I don't get a lot of support elsewhere..

03-19-2013, 11:23 PM
That is unfortunate, but it seems as if a lot of people have a hard time accepting anxiety disorders as an actual issue. I have been told many times that I should just "get over it" and other such nonsense. This is a really good site and I would suggest going through the forum and reading other threads so that you can see how many of us suffer the same problems, I know it helps me tremendously just to see someone going through what I am.