View Full Version : Shaky hands

03-19-2013, 06:37 AM
Hello, I have suffered with gad for about 8 months. I'm now on medication which has helped reduce my panic attack symptoms but i have noticed that since taking the medication I have very shaky hands. My left is worse then my right and my left leg is extremely twitchy also. As usual I m over analysing this and googling (which I know I shouldn't do) so I'm scaring myself thinking I have ms. Trying to convince myself its just the anxiety but one of the symptoms of ms is anxiety!! Does anyone else suffer from shaky hands?

03-19-2013, 09:53 AM
Hi there!

I went for two years thinking I was going to have a heart attack, a stroke or had MS. Many other things too. I identified that I suffered from health anxiety.

Try googling "centre for clinical intervention health anxiety" and you will find some woderfully helpful resources there. I followed the health anxiety module and can't believe the difference!! Almost three months now without a panic attack. I still, occasionally, get a little thought that I may be about to have a heart attack, or something similar, but I can now overcome the feeling easily.

You can do it too!

Your shaking is most probably due to your medication. Almost no medication comes without (sometimes serious) side effects. I find drinking herbal teas (sage or lime blossom) to be just as calming as the strong medication I had in the past.

Love and Peace

03-19-2013, 02:53 PM
Thanks so much for the advice. I have been onto that website and downloaded all the info so will begin reading and completing the modules x

03-19-2013, 04:02 PM
That's great! Let me know how you get on with it. I truly hope it helps you.