View Full Version : Memory loss?

03-19-2013, 05:21 AM
Does anyone here experience memory loss ?? My anxiety is so bad that I get what I can only describe as "brain fog" , I can't remember things , I can't even get my words out .
I am literally just surviving at the moment , I've been better than this , I hope to god it eases up soon , I can't live like this , it's hell

03-19-2013, 06:24 AM
Yea a bad memory and memory loss are associated with anxiety. My memory is particulate bad sometimes and when I was at the height of my anxiety, I would forget who I just talked to and all sorts.

I know what you mean with the "fog" but as bad as it all feels, it's not going to hurt you and you will be ok. The best thing to do, is just accept you feel how you feel and try to relax.

For me, I figure I'm going to have these feelings whether I like it or not, so I'll just do my best to chill out until it's all over. So far it's been working. :-)

03-19-2013, 07:31 AM
Thanks & I know what you mean . It's just one of the scariest symptoms for me . I literally feel as if I'm loosing my mind .

Today I have all the symptoms & I can't stop crying , just never ending tears falling from my eyes . I don't even know why . X

Amy Goodrich
03-19-2013, 07:46 AM
This takes me back to my worst days. I've had episodes where I couldnt stop crying as well.
What helped for me during those times, was interacting with my cats. They were always able to call me down with the pure laziness they radiated. Just observing them can really calm me down.
I truly hope you find peace again.

03-19-2013, 07:56 AM
Thank you Amy , just human kindness from people on here is a help & knowing others feel or have felt this way . I don't have cats , I'm allergic to them but I can imagine they are a good source of calmness & company x

03-19-2013, 09:43 AM
I didn't know this until the other day when I was watcching a court case on tv

The woman had killed someone and she said she could not remember what happened becasue she kept saying she felt like she was in a fog.

They had a brain and nuerology expert there stating that when we are under stress (anxiety is super stress) the part of the brain that collects short term memories takes a break while the other part of the brain is in the fight or flight mode.

I thought that was pretty cool to learn and it makes it even cooler that I can share it with all you fine people

So it tells me, your foggy memories are a completely normal for person experiencing anxiety

I hope you can remember what I said a few sentences ago and you are able to get past it! :D

03-19-2013, 09:51 AM
Yeah I had this BIG BIG BIG time. I went to a job interview once, and struggled to get my name out clearly. Needless to say I didn't get the job. I went through all the doctors tests simply because I couldn't believe that this was anxiety. This felt so screwed up. It felt like a neurological impairment, it was like I my brain was melting on me. I knew anxiety caused so much weird stuff, but this was complete cognitive impairment for me. I could barely do simple tasks like wash dishes, or make a cell phone call. Was really scary. I had this for THREE years, virtually 24/7. I hated life, I wanted to blow my head off. It was a horrific way to live.

But it's ALL anxiety. After having every test, I did come to the conclusion it was anxiety. Often social anxiety related, it seemed to happen around people more, but it happened alone too.

Meditation helped me immensely. I noticed the level of my cognition improved after just a week of it. Lower anxiety is essential. For me, meds never touched it. So benzo's or anti-depressants didn't touch it. They solved most other stuff, but this bit was so serious. It was resistant to everything.

This was the worst for me. Worse than my OCD, worse than panic attacks. I put this symptom down as the worst I had with anxiety.

Get well soon. If you wanna talk more, you can PM me (Us Jesse's have to stick together :P), or we can keep this thread alive for others too.

03-19-2013, 10:09 AM
I notice memory loss too, but not recent stuff, more like things that happened 5 -10 years ago. Certain situations friends bring up, I sometimes struggle to remember. It definitely bothers me but I just thought maybe I had a crappy memory. Perhaps its due to anxiety as well.

03-22-2013, 10:44 AM
Jesse you are bob on . This is indeed the scariest symptom & I have recently considered there might be more to this symptom than anxiety .

I literally feel like part of my brain has died forever & I may have something seriously wrong .

I get more or less every symptom of anxiety , and I can just about deal & live with it , I have so far & managed "just about" to "learn to accept & live with it" , this memory loss /confusion / brain fog thing is scaring the crap out of me .

Do you think that it will get better ????

Jessy x