View Full Version : people dont understand

Alice Pimm
03-19-2013, 04:34 AM
Its nt bad enuff i have anxiety bt to top it off no one understands. Its such a lonely illness. If one more person says mind over matter or you make yourself like this im gonna scream. The people closest think im a drama queen and they cant cope when im up all night ill. Well how do i feel been the one who suffers all the time. Its so hard to keep ur self up and positive when u have no help.

03-19-2013, 05:02 AM
Well fortunately, you have all the help you can handle here

Just pull yourself together and man up. That is what I was told because nobody thought enough that maybe I couldn't at the time

It can be lonely. But the people have seen and heard out stories a bunch of time

Sit back, settle in, feel the heal

03-19-2013, 05:15 AM
People do not understand . They think anxiety & depression is a state of mind & that we just need to "get a grip" , "think positive" ,"mind over matter", .

They have no idea , they don't believe it's an illness .

It's a lonely & painful condition , people on here who suffer do understand .


03-19-2013, 05:39 AM
People do not understand . They think anxiety & depression is a state of mind & that we just need to "get a grip" , "think positive" ,"mind over matter", .

They have no idea , they don't believe it's an illness .

It's a lonely & painful condition , people on here who suffer do understand .


^^^ I agree.

Alice Pimm
03-19-2013, 07:55 AM
Im so happy i discovered this place so i can get help from ppl who are in the same position. Its an amazing relief!

03-19-2013, 08:16 AM
I have just ring my mum & all it's done is worry her , so now I feel guilty for that . I feel guilty for everything !!
My dad says "BE HAPPY" , he doesn't understand . No one does , doctors don't understand .

I have no reason to feel this way , I just do . I can not help it .

It's destroying my life bit by bit . I can't be a good mother or wife or daughter .

I know they are all suffering because of me , I'm a burden & a lost cause . They can not understand why I can't overcome this & be happy .

Alice Pimm
03-19-2013, 08:54 AM
I have just ring my mum & all it's done is worry her , so now I feel guilty for that . I feel guilty for everything !!
My dad says "BE HAPPY" , he doesn't understand . No one does , doctors don't understand .

I have no reason to feel this way , I just do . I can not help it .

It's destroying my life bit by bit . I can't be a good mother or wife or daughter .

I know they are all suffering because of me , I'm a burden & a lost cause . They can not understand why I can't overcome this & be happy .

I completely feel for you. I have also become what i beleive to be a burden. The doctors just listen to get paid they dont really care. I think the only truly helpful way is to talk to others who have been thru it and come out the other side. I cannot help much as im struggling myself.but you feel free to message me. Its so frustrating and so hard to.see a light at the end of the tunnel but im sure there will be one...we are just travelling thru a very long tunnel

03-19-2013, 09:39 AM
Hi Alice

Scream as loud as you like, but to a great extent it truly is "mind over matter". I know, I suffered for about two years but haven't had an attack in almost three months now!

However, one thing you have to realize is only YOU can make this better! What actions are you taking to deal with the situation you are in? I have to tell you that I was amazed by how simple it can be to get through this!

I started out by reading a book called "How to Master Anxiety" by Joe Griffen & Ivan Tyrvell. It's available on Amazon. This helped me immensely.

Other things at helped are meditation, eating properly, hypnotism and diversionary tactics - try doing a word puzzle or something similar when the feelings begin to show (but nothing against the clock)! The more you allow your mind to dwell on your 'symptoms' the worse they are going to seem, diverting your attention for a minute or two and just being 'in the moment' allows your feelings to pass by. If you have a smartphone there are hundreds of excellent apps free to help you with meditation or hypnotism.

Another very useful and helpful resource is an Australian website which has lots of great advice. Unfortunately, I haven't made enough posts yet to paste the link, but if you google "centre for clinical intervention stress" you will find it. Follow a suitable module on there and I am sure you will find it really helpful.

By far the best thing I stumbled upon was breathing - yes, that's right - BREATHING! I could simply not believe how easy it is to avert a panic attack by breathing in a certain manner. It regulates the carbon dioxide in your blood and, if you do it correctly, there is NO WAY you can panic! Again, I can't post a link but if you google "breathing for stress techniques" you are sure to find something. There are also excellent smartphone apps that can help with this.

Go on, give it a try and let us know how you get on!

Love and Peace

Alice Pimm
03-19-2013, 10:11 AM
Wow biliwiz thanks for taking the time to write that. I cannot have medication as im epileptic and it will interfer with my medication. I am about to start cognital behavioural therapy. ( cant spell it). I dont tend to have panic attacks with my anxiety, i get head aches and feel sick and its something that happens all day for a few days then dissappears. It happens when im not anxiois thats why i cant help bt think i have an underlying illness or im dying. Sometimes tje symptoms get so bad that i have a full blown panic attack. I try to avert my mind bt at night time i end up , up all night on my phone trying to get tired then when i do stop and put the phonw down it starts again. Catch 22

03-19-2013, 10:42 AM
I think you misread, I said "meditation" not "medication". That, for me, would be the last option I would take.

Good luck on your search for a solution. Only you can do it!